How do you add two series in python?


  • The pandas Series class is used for storing large amounts of one-dimensional data such as time-series data and applying mathematical and analytical operations on it.
  • Two pandas.Series instances can be added together to produce a new Series instance
  • Calling add() function on a Series instance by passing another Series instance as the parameter, produces a new Series instance which has the elements of both the series added up. 
  • In the same way to add elements of two pandas DataFrame instances, the DataFrame.add() method can be used.


# Example python program to add two pandas 

# Series instances

import pandas as pds

# Dataset1 as a python list

dataSet1 = [1,3,5,7,9];

# Dataset2 as a python list

dataSet2 = [2,4,6,8,10];

# Load datasets into pandas.Series instances

series1 = pds.Series(dataSet1);

series2 = pds.Series(dataSet2);

# Apply binary addition between two pandas.Series instances

series3 = series1+series2;

print("pandas Series1:");


print("pandas Series2:");


# Result of applying binary addition between two pandas.Series instances

print("Result of adding two Series instances:");



pandas Series1:

0    1

1    3

2    5

3    7

4    9

dtype: int64

pandas Series2:

0     2

1     4

2     6

3     8

4    10

dtype: int64

Result of adding two Series instances:

0     3

1     7

2    11

3    15

4    19

dtype: int64

Example – Adding two pandas.Series instances with None values repalced:

This Python example code adds two pandas.Series instances where they have some of their elements as None. The fill_value parameter of the add() function replaces any occurence of None with a specified value.

# Example Python Program to add two pandas.Series instances

# where the instances have few None values

import pandas as pds

ser1 = pds.Series([10,20,30,None,50]);

ser2 = pds.Series([10,None,30,40,None]);

ser3 = ser1.add(ser2, fill_value=10);

print("Series1 + Series2:(With None values repalced by 10)")



Series1 + Series2:(With None values repalced by 10)

0    20.0

1    30.0

2    60.0

3    50.0

4    60.0

dtype: float64


The Series.add() method not only adds elements from two pandas.Series instances, it also adds elements from any Python sequence such as list with the elements of a pandas.Series instance.

# Example Python Program to a pandas.Series and

# a Python Sequence:

import pandas as pds

# A list of probabilities

probalities1 = [0.2, 0.01, 0.7, 0.3, 0.2];

# A pandas Series with probability values

probalities2 = pds.Series([0.15, 0.02, 0.15, 0.1, 0.3 ]);

# Add a list and a Series

resultantSeries = probalities2.add(probalities1);

print("Contents of the Python list:");


print("Contents of the pandas Series:");


print("Result of the addition:");



Contents of the Python list:

[0.2, 0.01, 0.7, 0.3, 0.2]

Contents of the pandas Series:

0    0.15

1    0.02

2    0.15

3    0.10

4    0.30

dtype: float64

Result of the addition:

0    0.35

1    0.03

2    0.85

3    0.40

4    0.50

dtype: float64

How do I add two series in pandas?

Pandas Series: append() function The append() function is used to concatenate two or more Series. Series to append with self. If True, do not use the index labels. If True, raise Exception on creating index with duplicates.

How do you sum a series in Python?

Series Summation Using the sum() Function in Python The sum() function sums a list of values in Python. We can use this sum() function with a list comprehension to get the desired list of values for summation. We again have to specify n+1 as the upper limit of the range() function.