How to get green pack in top eleven unlimited năm 2024

If you want to improve your team without any real monetary cost to yourself, you must take maximum advantage of all the FREE rest packs that are available to you throughout each day. There are over 1000 FREE rest packs on Top Eleven to collect during the season, you just need to know where to get them from.

In the shop you have the option of watching videos to collect extra rest packs, morale packs, treatment packs or cold hard cash. There are 25 videos to watch over every 24 hour period and you should focus primarily on collecting the rest packs. Do not collect treatment packs or cash as these will build up naturally over time as you move up the levels. Each video is usually no more than 30 seconds long so you should be able to watch all 25 in around 15 minutes. This equates to 650 FREE rest packs every season.

You can collect a rest pack by making a substitution at any point during each game. You will receive one rest pack at the end of the match if you make at least one substitution. If you feel a substitution might cost you the game you can wait until the last few minutes to introduce a new player. This ensures the player has minimal impact on the end result and you will still collect your rest pack. This applies to all competitive games, all association matches and all friendlies that you may choose to play. This should generate an extra 30+ rest packs per season.

Another way to gain FREE rest packs on Top Eleven is to gift them to managers on your friends list. For every gift you send, the manager you send it to has the option to gift it back to you. This is why having an extensive friends list is important. This also applies to morale packs, treatment packs and skill points. Get gifting as this could generate another 26 FREE rest packs per season.

Did you know there are hidden rests available to use to train your players? You can’t collect these but you can use them to train your players to improve your overall team rating. When the video icon turns black for collecting rest packs, the video icon for the other available packs stays blue. Instead of collecting morale packs, load up your squad and select a player whose condition you wish to improve. Click the + icon under condition and you’ll be able to watch a video to boost your players condition by 15%. There are 15 hidden rest packs to use each day, which is 390 FREE rest packs per season.

How to get green pack in top eleven unlimited năm 2024

How to get green pack in top eleven unlimited năm 2024

You can also pick up extra rest packs by improving the training ground by your stadium. If you manage to max out the training facility you will receive an extra seven rest packs every 4 days. These rest packs are automatically added to your tally, so you don’t need to worry about collecting them. This will generate an extra 40+ FREE rest packs per season.

How to get green pack in top eleven unlimited năm 2024

Throughout a full season, you should be able to collect over 1100 FREE rest packs without spending any of your own money. This is crucial in building a strong team to compete against the better teams on your level.

With Tokens you can win players off the transfer market, put negotiations in and even buy scouts - all that is needed, but once you have those players in your team then what?

Tokens are needed to bring players into the squad, but with 50 Tokens you could easily bring in 6/7 players into the team off the open market to reshape your entire side. What is needed then is to make the players the best they can be. To do that you need to power train them - and as a result you need Green packs to heal their tiredness.

1000 Tokens and 50 Green packs wouldn't get you a decent team - unless you used the Tokens to use the personal trainer (which would very quickly eat into them). The Tokens would allow you to get some very good players but once they were in the team you wouldn't be able to do much to actually improve them. On the flip, 50 Tokens and 1000 Green packs would give you the chance to bring in a few players, then power train them to have the abilities, positions, or skills that you want.

I personally believe I could make a stronger side out of a team which has 50 Tokens and 1000 Green packs than one that had 1000 Tokens and 50 Greens.

The only difference is if you are changing Tokens to Green packs anyway. For 46 Tokens you get 50 Greens - and to me that's a decent trade once you have enough Tokens to bring in the players you want. Its a lot better "cost effective" way of using your Tokens than personal trainers or trying to bring new players in every season.

As its got harder in the past two years to farm both tokens and packs - to the point that tokens are almost not available at all to farm now - whilst packs to farm have decreased, is it time to actually look at the worth of farming the Green pack the most?

The Red packs are important to heal injuries, but with the recent changes that have come in where a player won't get injured more than once in a set period, its easier to power train your players with confidence than it once was. I try to keep between 100 and 150 reds so I can power train - where as before with unlimited injuries I wanted at least 500.

I don't find much value to the Blue packs, not to the point that I feel I need to farm them, as I pick them up easily enough from playing matches and hardly use them anyway. As you get up to higher levels cash becomes irrelevant too as you make so much of it that farming for extra cash becomes pointless. You will soon get to the point where you have more cash than what you will ever need.

So it brings it back to the Green pack. By logging in via your phone, or by laptop you can often earn packs by watching videos, often between 15 and 30 seconds on phones, sometimes up to a couple of minutes on laptops. The worth of the packs to me means the Green has more use and is of more important than the others - so that would be the one I would ALWAYS aim to watch for.

Its important to have a base of Reds (Like I say, I'd recommend around 100-150 of them - and its easy to add them by farming them for a day or two instead of Greens), whilst also having some Tokens to bring players in is needed, but then after that its all about the Green.

An account with 200 Tokens to its name but no packs is not really as strong as people think. A team with 5 Tokens and 2000 Packs would be a lot stronger and one you could do a lot more with. So if you are struggling to get tokens and keep them, maybe change tact a little bit and aim to get packs instead.

My aim for the next few months is to increase my arsenal of Green packs rather than anything else. Tokens are great to have, but harder to acquire - and once you have the base team in that you want Tokens quickly become redundant unless you change them for Packs. As packs are easier to get hold of, focusing on them is a good idea.

What are the packs in Top Eleven?

Three types of packs are available in Top Eleven: rests, morale boosters and treatments. You can gain them by building appropriate facilities, by watching your own matches or by receiving gifts from friends.

How can I improve my top 11 condition?

By clicking the injury icon next to the injured player in either the Training or Assign view list, you can heal them with treatments. Similarly, by clicking on a player's condition bar, you can restore their condition by using rests.