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Git User Handbook

The Git cheat sheet presented in this DevOps tutorial is designed for those who have an interest in learning file management using Git as a tool. This cheat sheet will be a handy reference not only when you learn Git but when you start working with it too. Don’t worry if you are a beginner and have no idea about how Git works. Intellipaat’s Git cheat sheet will give you a quick reference to the basics that you must know.

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What is Git?

Git is a DevOps tool that is used as a version-control system for tracking the changes happening in system files and coordinating the work on those files among a group of people. In the software development field, Git is used in source code management and for tracking the changes made in any file.

  • Git is a distributed version control and source code management system with an emphasis on speed.
  • It is a repository used to manage projects, the set of files, as they change over time.
  • Using Git, every code change or commit we make gets updated in the development code of a project.

Watch this Git Tutorial for Beginners video:

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Process Flow

It shows the process flow with components used to perform certain tasks:

  • Plan: It can be created or deleted by itself based on the updates in the source repository.
  • Code: It is the statement written to perform a task in a repository.
  • Shared repository: It is the repository that is shared among several members in order to perform a task.
  • Continuous integration: It helps in updating a repository with the changes made in the code and provides integration with the changes, time to time.
  • Build: It is used to manually build products and dependencies to Git.
  • Configuration management: It is a process of tracking and controlling the changes made in a system.
  • Deploy: Deploy is the process of pushing the code to a remote server.

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Version Control

Version control is the management of changes made to the code, documents, programs, large sites, and other information. The changes are termed as versions.

A version control system (VCS) is used to perform the following:

  • It allows developers to work simultaneously.
  • VCS does not allow overwriting each other’s changes.
  • It maintains a history of every version.

There are two types of version control systems:

  • Centralized VCS
  • Distributed VCS

Our DevOps tool, Git falls under the category of distributed VCS.

Life Cycle

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Git and GitHub

Git is a VCS that supports distributed nonlinear workflows by providing data assurance for developing quality software.

Its features are as follows:

  • Distributed: A distributed development of code
  • Compatible: Works with existing systems and protocols
  • Non-linear: Allows the non-linear development of code
  • Branching: Easy to create and merge branches
  • Lightweight: Lossless compression
  • Speed: Faster than the remote repository
  • Open-source: A free tool and hence economical
  • Reliable: Not viable to any loss of data upon crashes
  • Secure: Uses SHA1 and checksum

For more information, visit the Git vs Github blog by Intellipaat.

Git Operations and Commands

Git Configuration

  • For the initial configuration of username, email, and code highlighting (optional):
$git config -- global user.name”firstname lastname”
$git config -- global user.email” [email protected]”
$git config -- global color.ui true (enables code highlights)
$git config --list

Initializing Git

  • To initialize:
$git init
  • To know the status:
$git status

Adding and Removing Files

  • To add a file:
$git add
  • To add multiple files:
$git add <2nd filename> <3rd filename>
  • To add all the updated files:
$git add --all ( use -A instead of -all too )
  • To remove files:
$git rm -r 

Committing Changes

  • To pass a message, use ‘commit’ with ‘-m’:
$git commit -m “body_of_message”
  • To amend the last commit or the last message:
$git commit --amend -m “new_message”

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Pushing and Pulling

Here, a remote repository typically represents a remote server or a Git server.

  • To create a remote repository via GitHub, go to:
  • To add a link:
$git remote add origin
  • To push files:
$git push -u origin master
  • To clone files:
$git clone 

Branching and Merging

Following are the branching and merging commands for GIT :

Command Description
git branch To list branches
git branch -a To list all the branches
git branch [branch name] To create a new branch
git branch -d [branch name] To delete a branch
git push origin –delete [branchName] To delete a remote branch
git checkout -b [branch name] To create a new branch and switch to it
git checkout -b [branch name] origin/[branch name] To clone a remote branch and switch to it
git checkout [branch name] To switch to a branch
git checkout – To switch to the branch last checked out
git checkout — [file-name.txt] To discard the changes made to a file
git merge [branch name] To merge a branch into an active branch
git stash To stash the changes in a dirty working directory
git stash clear To remove all the stashed entries

Learn more about the basic commands in this Git Tutorial by Intellipaat.

Sharing and Updating Projects

Command Description
git push origin [branch name] To push a branch to a remote repository
git push -u origin [branch name] To push the changes made to a remote repository (-u remembers the branch for the next use)
git push origin –delete [branch name] To delete a remote branch
git pull To update a local repository to the newest commit
git pull origin [branch name] To pull the changes from a remote repository
git remote add origin ssh://[email protected]/[username]/[repository-name].git To add a remote repository
git remote set-url origin ssh://[email protected]/[username]/[repository-name].git To set a repository’s origin branch to SSH

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Inspection and Comparison

Command Description
git log To view the changes made
View changes To view changes (in detail)
git diff [source branch] [target branch} To preview changes before merging

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