Hướng dẫn quotient in python 3

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  • How do you find the quotient in Python?
  • Which operator is used to get quotient?
  • Which of the following operators gives quotient value in Python?
  • Which operator gives the quotient after division in Python?

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    Given two numbers n and m. The task is to find the quotient and remainder of two numbers by dividing n by m.


    n = 10
    m = 3
    Quotient:  3
    Remainder 1
    n = 99
    m = 5
    Quotient:  19
    Remainder 4

    Method 1: Naive approach

    The naive approach is to find the quotient using the double division (//) operator and remainder using the modulus (%) operator.



    def find(n, m):

        q = n//m

        print("Quotient: ", q)

        r = n%m

        print("Remainder", r)

    find(10, 3)

    find(99, 5)


    Quotient:  3
    Remainder 1
    Quotient:  19
    Remainder 4

    Time Complexity: O(1)

    Auxiliary Space: O(1)

    Method 2: Using divmod() method

    Divmod() method takes two numbers as parameters and returns the tuple containing both quotient and remainder.



    q, r = divmod(10, 3)

    print("Quotient: ", q)

    print("Remainder: ", r)

    q, r = divmod(99, 5)

    print("Quotient: ", q)

    print("Remainder: ", r)


    Quotient:  3
    Remainder 1
    Quotient:  19
    Remainder 4

    Time Complexity: O(1)

    Auxiliary Space: O(1)

    In Python, you can calculate the quotient with // and the remainder with %.

    q = 10 // 3
    mod = 10 % 3
    print(q, mod)
    # 3 1

    The built-in function divmod() is useful when you want both the quotient and remainder.

    • Built-in Functions - divmod() — Python 3.7.4 documentation

    divmod(a, b) returns a tuple (a // b, a % b).

    You can unpack and assign to each variable.

    • Unpack a tuple and list in Python
    q, mod = divmod(10, 3)
    print(q, mod)
    # 3 1

    Of course, you can receive it as a tuple.

    answer = divmod(10, 3)
    print(answer[0], answer[1])
    # (3, 1)
    # 3 1

    This is a Python Program to read two numbers and print their quotient and remainder.

    Problem Description

    The program takes two numbers and prints the quotient and remainder.

    Problem Solution

    1. Take in the first and second number and store it in separate variables.
    2. Then obtain the quotient using division and the remainder using modulus operator.
    3. Exit.

    Program/Source Code

    Here is the source code of the Python Program to read two numbers and print their quotient and remainder. The program output is also shown below.

    a=int(input("Enter the first number: "))
    b=int(input("Enter the second number: "))
    print("Quotient is:",quotient)
    print("Remainder is:",remainder)

    Program Explanation

    1. User must enter the first and second number .
    2. The quotient is obtained using true division (// operator).
    3. The modulus operator gives the remainder when a is divided by b.

    Runtime Test Cases

    Case 1:
    Enter the first number: 15
    Enter the second number: 7
    Quotient is: 2
    Remainder is: 1
    Case 2:
    Enter the first number: 125
    Enter the second number: 7
    Quotient is: 17
    Remainder is: 6

    Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Python Programs.

    To practice all Python programs, here is complete set of 150+ Python Problems and Solutions.

    Next Steps:

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    Hướng dẫn quotient in python 3

    Manish Bhojasia, a technology veteran with 20+ years @ Cisco & Wipro, is Founder and CTO at Sanfoundry. He lives in Bangalore, and focuses on development of Linux Kernel, SAN Technologies, Advanced C, Data Structures & Alogrithms. Stay connected with him at LinkedIn.

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    How do you find the quotient in Python?

    Get quotient and remainder with divmod() in Python In Python, you can calculate the quotient with // and the remainder with % . The built-in function divmod() is useful when you want both the quotient and remainder. divmod(a, b) returns a tuple (a // b, a % b) .

    Which operator is used to get quotient?

    The division operator / computes the quotient (either between float or integer variables).

    Which of the following operators gives quotient value in Python?

    2. The quotient is obtained using true division (// operator). 3. The modulus operator gives the remainder when a is divided by b.

    Which operator gives the quotient after division in Python?

    Floor division is also used to carry out Euclidean division, but unlike the modulo operator, floor division yields the quotient, not the remainder.