Python json update value by key

I am trying to specify a name for my google spreadsheet api. This is done in the 'title' key value. I have tried with the below but it adds a new key to the existing json. Is there a way to get to the "title": "" and update that value with the new_date item?

prev_date =
new_date = str(prev_date.isoformat())
res = {
  "requests": [
      "addSheet": {
        "properties": {
          "title": ""
res['title'] =  new_date
print (res)

This is the output:

{'requests': [{'addSheet': {'properties': {'title': ''}}}], 'title': '2016-12-29'}

This is what I would like it to be:

{'requests': [{'addSheet': {'properties': {'title': '2016-12-29'}}}]}

asked Dec 30, 2016 at 16:26


From the structure you mentioned, the title key that you need to modify is more nested than what you are providing with.

You need to make the following change:

prev_date =
new_date = str(prev_date.isoformat())
res = {
  "requests": [
      "addSheet": {
        "properties": {
          "title": ""
res['requests'][0]['addSheet']['properties']['title'] =  new_date
print (res)


  • 'requests' value is a list
  • 0 is the first item in the list (and the only item)
  • 'addSheet' is the key in the dictionary that is the value of the item in the list in the 0 index
  • 'properties' is the key in the above dictionary
  • 'title' is the key in the above dictonary, and the one you need upon your request

answered Dec 30, 2016 at 16:29

Python json update value by key

Avihoo MamkaAvihoo Mamka

4,5163 gold badges30 silver badges42 bronze badges

You are incorrectly indexing your JSON object and adding a new key named 'title' in the root of the object, while you are trying to update the value inside the array. In your case, you should be accessing res['requests'][0]['addSheet']['properties']['title'] = new_date

answered Dec 30, 2016 at 16:29

I now realize I can pass my variables directly in the json.

prev_date =
new_date = str(prev_date.isoformat())
req = {
"requests": [
"addSheet": {
"properties": {
"title": new_date

answered Dec 30, 2016 at 18:54


431 gold badge1 silver badge5 bronze badges

how to update json key name while keeping the values in mysql, postgresql update json field key value , parsing through json without using key value python , mysql get json value by key

UPDATE `my_table`
SET `my_col` = JSON_INSERT(
   JSON_REMOVE(my_col, '$.oldKeyValue'),
   JSON_EXTRACT(my_col, '$.oldKeyValue')

Suggestion : 2

data = {
   oldName: 1,
   other: 2

data.newName = data.oldName
delete data.oldName

obj = {
   name: 'Bobo'
obj.newName = 

obj.newProperty =

Suggestion : 3

When to use yield instead of return in Python?,Read JSON file using Python,Read, Write and Parse JSON using Python,Working With JSON Data in Python


   "age": 31,
   "Salary": 25000,
   "name": "John"


["Welcome", "to", "GeeksforGeeks"]
["Welcome", "to", "GeeksforGeeks"]

Suggestion : 4

Updating a JSON object in Python is as simple as using the built-in update() function from the json package we have imported.,Converting a byte string or dictionary into JSON is very simple. We just have to use the built-in json.dumps() function.,In Python, we can use JSON by importing the built-in Python module called json. The json module encodes and decodes JSON data.,While the loads() method we pass a JSON string that is defined as a Python variable and serializes that string into a JSON object. The following code samples display this functionality.


   "date": "2021-07-17",
   "firstname": "Hamza",
   "lastname": "Sher",
   "city": "Kyoto",
   "array": [
   "array of objects": [{
         "index": 0,
         "index start at 5": 5
         "index": 1,
         "index start at 5": 6
         "index": 2,
         "index start at 5": 7

Suggestion : 5

update() method updates the dictionary with elements from a dictionary object or an iterable object of key/value pairs.,It doesn't return any value (returns None).,The update() method updates the dictionary with the elements from another dictionary object or from an iterable of key/value pairs.,The update() method takes either a dictionary or an iterable object of key/value pairs (generally tuples).


marks = {
   'Physics': 67,
   'Maths': 87
internal_marks = {
   'Practical': 48



# Output: {
   'Physics': 67,
   'Maths': 87,
   'Practical': 48


marks = {
   'Physics': 67,
   'Maths': 87
internal_marks = {
   'Practical': 48



# Output: {
   'Physics': 67,
   'Maths': 87,
   'Practical': 48

The syntax of update() is:

Example 1: Working of update()

d = {
   1: "one",
   2: "three"
d1 = {
   2: "two"

# updates the value of key 2


d1 = {
   3: "three"

# adds element with key 3


How do I change the value of a JSON key in Python?

How to update a JSON file in Python.
a_file = open("sample_file.json", "r").
json_object = json. load(a_file).
a_file. close().
json_object["d"] = 100..
a_file = open("sample_file.json", "w").
json. dump(json_object, a_file).
a_file. close().

How do you manipulate JSON in Python?

Now it's time to whip it into shape. In the json library, you'll find load() and loads() for turning JSON encoded data into Python objects. Just like serialization, there is a simple conversion table for deserialization, though you can probably guess what it looks like already. ... Deserializing JSON..

How do I change the value of a JSON file?

First you would need to convert it to a JavaScript Object. Once it is an Object, then you can just use dot notation into the object to change the values that you want. Lastly, you would convert that JavaScript Object back into a JSON string.

How do you append JSON in Python?

Steps for Appending to a JSON File In Python, appending JSON to a file consists of the following steps: Read the JSON in Python dict or list object. Append the JSON to dict (or list ) object by modifying it. Write the updated dict (or list ) object into the original file.