stay at home là gì - Nghĩa của từ stay at home

stay at home có nghĩa là

A mother that stays at her home during the day. Unemployed, usually with the husband supporting the family.

The main reason for being a stay-at-home mom is to raise children better.

see also: soccer mom.


Brent's mom is a stay at home mom, she makes awesome cookies for us sometimes!

stay at home có nghĩa là

A woman who is capable of taking on children, home and husband.
She is a strong woman who can handle anything that comes her way.
Going to work outside of the house, then coming home to children and chores is hard (I've done it), but honey, let me tell you, staying home with children 24/7, never being able to socialize with other adults without any children around is MUCH more exuasting.
Working outside of the house does Not equal to 3 full-time jobs, it equals to 1 full-time and 1 part-time. By the time you get home to the "part-time job", you welcome the screaming of your little ones and singing sesame street songs, because you havn't heard it ALL DAY LONG!!
Most stay at home moms aren't rich. Sometimes it's cheaper to stay home than to pay for daycare.
Most (including myself) prefer to know that what the children are learning is coming from you, not daycare workers, or the "rude kid" at daycare.
These are crucial years, and they are lerning everything from to be learning from mom.


Timmy's mom stays home with him all day. She's a stay at home mom.

stay at home có nghĩa là

A long term girlfriend who stays at your home. Similar to a stay at home mom or a housewife, with the exception that your not married & have no children. She cooks, cleans, plays with the dog, watches TV & fucks the shit out of ya when you come home. Typicly has the occasional part-time job, just to break up the boredom.

This does not mean some Gold digger or Skank who shacks up with you for a month or two, always bouncing from bed to bed with the frequency of a cheap Ham Radio.

The Stay At Home Girlfriend arrangement works as such: You pay all the bills & give her shoping money. She maintains your household & provides sexual favors. Works quite well really.


My ex-girlfriend Dani was a stay at home girlfriend.

stay at home có nghĩa là

A unemployed man who lives with his parents and has no motivation to improve his life by getting a job or education.


After graduating from high school, six years ago, my son now spends all of his time watching porn and surfing the internet. He is a stay at home son

stay at home có nghĩa là

A father who decides to not work outside the home because his wife makes more money. He is responsible for cleaning, food preparation, transportation of the kids to school and soccer. He is also responsible for everything outside the house as well as inside. Essentially he has to do everything while his wife can sit at a computer and not go bat shit crazy from being stuck in the house all day. He has also memorized all the songs of Dora, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and Little Einsteins. When asked to be a man he is lost because he forgot how.


Wife: I wish I could stay home all day.
Husband: I work hard here. Would you want to read to the kids before bedtime?
Wife: No, this is my time and I am going to watch Vampire Diaries. You wanted to be the Stay at Home Dad, thanks . . .

stay at home có nghĩa là

A. One who chooses to stay home and do "the most important job in the world" (caring for children) full time through a gross deposit of entitlement with no means of income of their own. B. One who feels and expresses to others that their role as a non-working parent makes them the most vital function in a family unit and possibly even the world. C. One's ex-wife.


"Ron told me the other day that I will need to get a job when the alimony ends next year. Obviously he doesn't appreciate that I do the most important job in the world. He deserves to pay me 2/3rds of his paycheck and continue to support all my wants and needs even though I wanted the divorce." "I take on so much more than anyone could imagine. I couldn't possibly get a job - that would be selfish. I would not be able to volunteer at the church or bake cookies for my son's class. I would never have "me time" - naps, tanning, pedis, manis, botox - I need those things to stay sane and be a good mother. Nobody values Stay at Home Martyrs - our jobs are 24-7."

stay at home có nghĩa là

A recent college graduate who has moved back home and is now cooking and running errands for his or her parents instead of working.


Keeks: So have you found a job yet?
Al: Ughh no, still a stay at home grad.

stay at home có nghĩa là

When the Governor of Cali orders you to stay at home during COVID-19, so you are forced to do nothing and it is everything you ever hoped it would be.


The Governor issued a stay at home order, so now I have an excuse to sit on the couch with Ben, Jerry and watch Netflix and chill with my dog while maintaining a steady buzz thanks to legal cannabis!

stay at home có nghĩa là

It means stay inside your home and don’t go out and stay safe!


stay at home and help keep everyone safe (from the 2020 virus)

stay at home có nghĩa là

An addict who doesn't bother anybody. Just stays at home and deals with their addiction. not one to go up the town and hassle shoppers or rob folks houses or that. Just stays at home and does no harm to anyone else but themselves.


That fella doesn't bother anybody, he's a stay at home junkie