Why advertising is a paid form of communication?

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Advertising in Marketing Communication

Advertising is a type of communication through mass media, the firm will usually pay for this type of communication. Advertising is a ‘paid for’ communication. It is used to develop attitudes, create awareness, and transmit information in order to gain a response from the target market. We generally come across hundreds of advertising messages every day, which tell us about various products such as toilet soaps, detergent powder, soft drinks and services such as hotels, insurance policies, etc.

Advertising is perhaps the most commonly used tool for promotion. It is an impersonal form of communication, which is paid for by the marketers (sponsors) to promote some goods or service. The most common modes of advertising are ‘newspapers’, ‘magazines’, ‘television’, and ‘radio’.

The important distinguishing features of advertising are as follows:

(i) Paid Form: Advertising is a paid form of communication. That is, the sponsor has to bear the cost of communicating with the prospects.

(ii) Impersonality: There is no direct face-to-face contact between the prospect and the advertiser. It is, therefore, referred to them as the impersonal method of promotion. Advertising creates a monologue and not a dialogue.

(iii) Identified Sponsor: Advertising is undertaken by some identified individual or company, who makes the advertising efforts and also bears the cost of it.

The word advertising comes from the Latin “ad vertere” and means to turn the mind towards. To persuade. Advertising is defined as “a paid, mediated form of communication from an identifiable source, designed to persuade the receiver to take some action, now or in the future.”

If we look at this definition, we see that advertising has four parts to it that separate it from other kinds of marketing communication such as publicity or sales promotions. Firstly, advertising is:

Paid for

It costs money to advertise. Australia’s largest advertisers such as Coles or the Federal Government regularly spend over $150 million on advertising every year. This makes advertising different to publicity, for example, where press releases are sent to the media in the hope that they may be published. With publicity there is no cost, but advertisers pay set rates to advertise on different programs at different times of the day. The cost of an ad on the Superbowl in the US is about the most expensive space of all, about $1 million for 30 seconds.

Mediated form of communication

Rather than the person-to-person communication that takes place when you have a conversation with your friends, the communication of advertising is mediated by technology. This might be television, in the case of a TV ad, or it might be the internet in the case of a banner ad. Once we used to say that advertising only used mass media such as television or newspaper or outdoor. But now advertising takes place across all communication channels, including the internet, mobile phones, shopping dockets even toilet paper.

From an identifiable sponsor

There wouldn’t be much point to advertising the product or service unless you knew where to buy it or who to contact to ask more questions. The whole objective of advertising is to get your product, service or idea noticed. Sometimes we will see teaser ads, which catch our interest but don’t tell us what the product is. But all is generally revealed in a follow up ad, which does identify the sponsor.

Designed to persuade or encourage action in the short or long term

Advertising is not just a form of entertainment or an interesting piece of cinematography. It isn’t like a poem or a piece of editorial that we put into the public domain in the hope that someone might read it. Advertising has to communicate. It begins with an advertising problem (such as no one knows about our product) from which objectives are developed (to increate target market awareness of our product by 50% in a six month period). Then the advertising is created to achieve these objectives – to get people to act by noticing our product, by increasing usage of our product, by visiting our website, or by using SMS to enter a competition. At the end of the campaign (at the end of 6 months in the case of our earlier objective), we can measure the action to see whether the campaign has been successful (that is, how many of our target market are aware of our product).

Why is advertising a paid communication?

Advertising is any communication, usually paid-for, specifically intended to inform and/or influence one or more people. Simply, advertising is a process of developing a paid communication message intended to inform people about something or to influence them to buy, try, or do something.

Why is paid advertising important?

Helps promote brand awareness Most types of paid advertising can be used to promote your brand. Creating brand awareness helps your audience become familiar with your products and services by placing them on popular channels such as Google and Facebook, helping you keep up with the competition.

What is paid form in advertising?

Paid advertising is an online advertising model where advertisers bid to participate in real-time auctions in order to show their ads within slots on a specific platform or network. For example, in this search on patio furniture you can see both shopping ads and text ads.

Why advertising is a type of communication?

Advertising in business is a type of communication that persuades and encourages people to take a particular action. Communication is important because it verses people on the different things that the business has to offer. Advertisements also shows the advantages, features and values of a certain product.