10 vạn câu hỏi vì sao trò chơi vui

Sự kiện trả lời "Mười vạn câu hỏi vì sao của Paimon" chính thức bắt đầu!

10 vạn câu hỏi vì sao trò chơi vui

Khiêu chiến mới, mục tiêu mới, hãy tham gia trả lời câu hỏi của Paimon, trả lời đúng để nhận thưởng Mora nhé!

〓Cổng Vào Sự Kiện〓

>>Nhấn để tham gia hoạt động<<

〓Thời Gian Sự Kiện〓
2021-11-19 13:00:00 - 2021-11-21 23:59:59 (Thời gian của Server)

〓Hướng Dẫn Sự Kiện〓 Trong thời gian sự kiện, Nhà Lữ Hành có Hạng mạo hiểm ≥10 có thể tham gia sự kiện này hằng ngày

Mỗi lần cần trả lời 10 câu hỏi, trả lời đúng sẽ nhận thưởng, trả lời sai sẽ không có thưởng, hoàn thành nhiệm vụ để nhận được cơ hội tiếp tục khiêu chiến.

〓Thưởng Sự Kiện〓 Mỗi lần trả lời đúng 1 câu hỏi, sẽ nhận được Mora *5000;

Trong một ngày tối đa có thể nhận phần thưởng của 10 câu hỏi.

〓Phát Thưởng〓 Email trong game (Việc phát phần thưởng sẽ có sự chậm trễ nhất định) Thời hạn email là 7 ngày, Nhà Lữ Hành hãy chú ý nhận

* Hỏi đáp cùng Paimon kỳ này sẽ điều chỉnh thời gian làm mới mỗi ngày sang 4h (thời gian của máy chủ), Nhà Lữ Hành hãy chú ý thời gian trả lời nhé.

Page 2

Chiêu mộ streamer Genshin Impact phiên bản mới trên Twitch

Nhà Lữ Hành thân mến,
Genshin Impact phiên bản 2.3 "Ảo Ảnh Giữa Bão Tuyết" đã được cập nhật. Cùng với đó sự kiện chiêu mộ streamer Genshin Impact phiên bản mới trên Twitch cũng đã bắt đầu. Tham gia livestream và hoàn thành nhiệm vụ để nhận được phần thưởng Nguyên Thạch hấp dẫn nhé!

"Thời gian đăng ký: 24/11 - 27/11
 Thời gian diễn ra sự kiện: 24/11 - 13/12"

Nội dung sự kiện: Chính tuyến Streamer có dưới 500 người theo dõi: Trong thời gian sự kiện, tổng thời lượng livestream có hiệu lực trong danh mục Genshin Impact trên Twitch đạt 15 tiếng, sẽ nhận được phần thưởng 500 Nguyên Thạch, giới hạn 1800 người;

Mỗi khi tăng 50 người theo dõi, có thể nhận thêm phần thưởng 100 Nguyên Thạch, tối đa 200 Nguyên Thạch, giới hạn 180 người;

Streamer có từ 500-3000 người theo dõi: Trong thời gian sự kiện, tổng thời lượng livestream có hiệu lực trong danh mục Genshin Impact trên Twitch đạt 15 tiếng, sẽ nhận được phần thưởng 500 Nguyên Thạch, giới hạn 2000 người;

Mỗi khi tăng 100 người theo dõi, có thể nhận thêm phần thưởng 100 Nguyên Thạch, tối đa 400 Nguyên Thạch, giới hạn 200 người;

Streamer có trên 3000 người theo dõi: Trong thời gian sự kiện, tổng thời lượng livestream có hiệu lực trong danh mục Genshin Impact trên Twitch đạt 15 tiếng, sẽ nhận được phần thưởng 500 Nguyên Thạch, giới hạn 200 người;

Mỗi khi tăng 200 người theo dõi, có thể nhận thêm phần thưởng 100 Nguyên Thạch, tối đa 400 Nguyên Thạch, giới hạn 20 người;

Nội dung sự kiện: Khiêu chiến
Trong thời gian sự kiện, ở chế độ chơi đơn, Nhà Lữ Hành livestream hoàn thành thử thách dùng đội chỉ có một mình Nhà Lữ Hành (không thể sử dụng nhân vật khác ngoài Aether/Lumine) để khiêu chiến và thành công đánh bại Vua Thú Hoàng Kim trong thời gian nhanh nhất, sẽ nhận thêm phần thưởng là 800 Nguyên Thạch. Cần livestream cả quá trình khiêu chiến và thiết lập Twitch Highlight. Giới hạn 200 người.

Giới Thiệu Sự Kiện 1. Số lượng mỗi hạng mục giải thưởng là có hạn, khi số lượng streamer đạt điều kiện vượt quá số người quy định, chúng tôi sẽ lựa chọn streamer có kênh sở hữu lượt xem trung bình cao hơn để ưu tiên nhận thưởng. 2. Trong thời gian sự kiện mỗi nhiệm vụ sẽ tương ứng với phần thưởng Nguyên Thạch riêng, trong thời gian sự kiện livestream hoàn thành nhiệm vụ sẽ nhận được phần thưởng tương ứng; 3. Trong thời gian sự kiện, mỗi streamer chỉ được nhận 1 lần phần thưởng của mỗi nhiệm vụ, sau khi kênh chính thức xác thực thành tích đạt được, sẽ dựa trên UID mà streamer cung cấp để phát thưởng qua thư trong game; Những streamer muốn tham gia sự kiện vui lòng nhấn vào liên kết bên dưới để điền thông tin đăng ký tham gia nhé! (Thông tin cá nhân của người tham gia được thu thập trong sự kiện này sẽ chỉ được sử dụng để liên hệ và trao giải cho sự kiện này, các bạn hãy yên tâm điền thông tin nhé)



Page 3

Genshin Impact EP - Gentle Waves of Frost

Windswept cliffs, secluded forests, and snow at the foot of a mountain.

Across the outskirts of Mondstadt lie the scattered footprints of the Spindrift Knight.

But under the day's warm breeze, the dutiful Captain of the Reconnaisance Company would occasionally have a rest.

Page 4

A Thank-You Letter to All Travelers

Dear Travelers,

Thanks to your support, Genshin Impact has won the " PlayStation®Partner Awards 2021 GRAND AWARD" and "PlayStation Game Music Award (1st Runner-Up)"! Thank you for coming alongside us through this journey.

We will be giving out 800 Primogems from December 4 to December 7!

*How to Claim Rewards: 200 Primogems shall be given out to Travelers via in-game mail at 00:00 (server time) each day from December 4 to December 7.

These Primogems can be claimed at any time before the end of Version 2.3. All Travelers who have reached Adventure Rank 7 or above can claim a total of 800 Primogems via in-game mail.

Page 5

"Bantan Sango Case Files: The Warrior Dog" Gameplay Details

To help Bantan Sango Detective Agency complete their investigations on "mass disappearances of little animals", follow your commission, and rescue animals in designated investigation locales.

〓Event Duration〓
2021/12/07 10:00 – 2021/12/20 03:59

〓Eligibility〓 Adventure Rank 30 or above

And complete the Archon Quest "The Immovable God and the Eternal Euthymia"

〓Gameplay Overview〓

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Character Teaser - "Arataki Itto: That's How the Show Should Go!" | Genshin Impact

When the Arataki Gang is involved, even the most traditional repertoire may usher in a new twist.

Although some in the audience have enjoyed such a surprise, it has caused quite the trouble for the Tenryou Commission.

Let's see who will get the last laugh this time: Arataki Itto with his booming laughter, or the soldiers who are swift at maintaining law and order.

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"Arataki 'Numero Uno' Itto, here in the flesh! Hahaha... *cough*"

Travelers \ (^ o ^) / ~

Today, we'd like to introduce you the first and greatest head of the Arataki Gang — Arataki Itto!

After a rather harmless street brawl, Itto tried to explain his responsibilities and duties to some Tenryou Commission officials when they came to him to investigate. Unfortunately, they interrupted him not two minutes into the explanation before marking him down as "unemployed."

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TGA 2021 Genshin Impact Entry Video

Thanks to your support, Genshin Impact has won the "Best Mobile Game" award at The Game Awards 2021. Thank you for coming alongside us through this journey!

Page 9

Character Demo - "Gorou: The Ever-Victorious Pointy-Eared General" | Genshin Impact

Have you heard? Rumor has it that if you rub the back of Gorou's ears before battle, you will be guaranteed victory.

It's hard to tell if this is true, but it can't be denied that Gorou's pointed ears are really nice to touch.

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"The sun is up and it is time to train. Shall we go climb a mountain?"

Travelers \ (^ o ^) / ~

Today, we'd like to introduce you the great general of Watatsumi Island's forces — Gorou!

During the period of the Vision Hunt Decree, Gorou led the forces of Watatsumi against the Shogun's Army, and successfully held the line against them. The troops call him the "ever-victorious pointy-eared general," a nickname that has also seen broad use among Shogunate warriors.

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Event Wish "Oni's Royale" - Boosted Drop Rate for "Hanamizaka Heroics" Arataki Itto (Geo)!

Travelers, stock up on weapons and characters in the event wish to make your party stronger in combat!

〓Event Wish Duration〓
2021/12/14 18:00:00–2022/01/04 14:59:59

〓Event Wish Details〓 ● During this event wish, the event-exclusive 5-star character "Hanamizaka Heroics" Arataki Itto (Geo) will receive a huge drop-rate boost! ● During this event wish, the 4-star characters "Canine Warrior" Gorou (Geo), "Shining Idol" Barbara (Hydro), and "Exquisite Delicacy" Xiangling (Pyro) will receive a huge drop-rate boost ! ● After this event wish ends, the 4-star character "Canine Warrior" Gorou (Geo) will be available in the standard wish "Wanderlust Invocation" in Version 2.4. ※ Of the above characters, the event-exclusive character will not be available in the standard wish "Wanderlust Invocation." ※ This is for "Character Event Wish". The wish guarantee count for "Character Event Wish" and "Character Event Wish-2" is shared, and is accumulated between both "Character Event Wish" and "Character Event Wish-2". This wish guarantee count is independent of the guarantee counts of other types of wishes. ※ The "Test Run" trial event will be open during this event wish. Travelers may use fixed lineups containing the selected trial characters to enter specific stages and test them out. Travelers that complete the challenges will receive the corresponding rewards!

※ For more information, go to the Wish screen and select Details in the bottom-left corner.

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Event Wish "Epitome Invocation" - Boosted Drop Rate for Redhorn Stonethresher (Claymore) and Skyward Harp (Bow)!

Travelers, stock up on weapons and characters in "Epitome Invocation" to make your party stronger in combat!

〓Event Wish Duration〓

2021/12/14 18:00:00–2022/01/04 14:59:59

〓Event Wish Details〓
● During the event, the event-exclusive 5-star weapon Redhorn Stonethresher (Claymore) as well as the 5-star weapon Skyward Harp (Bow) will receive a huge drop-rate boost!

● During the event, the event-exclusive 4-star weapons The Alley Flash (Sword) and Mitternachts Waltz (Bow) as well as the 4-star weapons The Bell (Claymore), Favonius Lance (Polearm), and Sacrificial Fragments (Catalyst) will receive a huge drop-rate boost!

● During the event wish, use Epitomized Path to chart a course towards a promotional 5-star weapon, such as Redhorn Stonethresher (Claymore) or Skyward Harp (Bow). For more information on Epitomized Path, go to the Wish screen and select Details in the bottom-left corner.

※ Of the above weapons, the event-exclusive weapons will not be available in the standard wish "Wanderlust Invocation."

※ For more information, go to the Wish screen and select Details in the bottom-left corner.

Page 13

Paimon's Sneak Peek at Version 2.3 New Events - Phase II

There are many new upcoming events in the near future, let's take a look~

"Bantan Sango Case Files: The Warrior Dog" event is currently underway, don't miss out!

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Page 14

Character Demo - "Arataki Itto: Make Way for the One and Oni!" | Genshin Impact

The Vision, which was often carefully cleaned with flannel, had once been taken away from Arataki Itto.

But Itto has never been discouraged. On the contrary, after overcoming various hardships to regain his elemental power, his fighting spirit has burned even brighter.

Yes, that's right. I guess his mettle is exactly what makes him the boss of the Arataki Gang.

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Collected Miscellany - "Arataki Itto: Supreme Superstrength" | Genshin Impact

In the eyes of Arataki Itto, wielding a weapon on the battlefield is no different from a game of cards or beetle fighting with the neighborhood kids.

Both require a serious approach for the outcome to be determined righteously.

If you lose, you must quietly accept your loss, but if you win, you can reign supreme.

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Collected Miscellany - "Gorou: Forward Unto Victory" | Genshin Impact

Gorou's ability to repeatedly win on the perilous battlefield relies on planning ahead and improvisation.

And his sincere heart that is determined to protect his companions.

Page 17

"Misty Dungeon: Realm of Light" Gameplay Details

Nothing from outside the Lost City can ever be taken inside. Assemble your adventure dream team and prepare to journey to a place of profound secrets.

〓Event Duration〓
2021/12/17 10:00 – 2021/12/27 03:59 (Server Time)

Adventure Rank 20 or above

〓Gameplay Overview〓

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〓Event Rewards〓

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Page 18

"Energy Amplifier Fruition" Gameplay Details

The "Energy Amplifier Fruition" event is about to begin. You meet with the Sumeru scholar Hosseini once more in Liyue. He has refocused his latest academic efforts on the Energy Amplifier...

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In addition, new missions have also been added to Shadowed Snowfall. Complete them to receive BEP.

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〓Event Duration〓
Event Gameplay Period: 2021/12/24 10:00 – 2022/1/3 03:59 (Server Time)

Adventure Rank 20 or above

〓Gameplay Summary〓

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〓Gameplay Overview〓

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This concludes this event's gameplay details~ We will bring everyone more event information in the future, until next time, Travelers!

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Something Thrilling and Intriguing in the Serenitea Pot... | Developers Discussion - 12/24

A new Developers Discussion is here~ Let's see what they have in store for us!

Q: Are there going to be more Commission Quests? I have almost played all existing Commission Quests in and out.
A: Eleven new Commission Quests will become available in Version 2.4. By completing specific prerequisite quests or meeting given criteria, you will have the opportunity to receive these Daily Commissions.

Q: I spent so much effort and time on Sunday only to find that I cleared the wrong Domain with the wrong rewards. What a bummer! A: In Version 2.4, we will optimize access to Material Domains. You can click on the Source section of Weapon Ascension Materials or Talent Level-Up Materials, and be redirected to the corresponding Domain. The Domain for said materials will be automatically selected after you enter it. By accessing domains this way, Travelers can largely avoid clearing the wrong Material Domains. Please double-check the materials you plan to acquire in your Inventory. The mail favorites system mentioned in the Developers Discussion on 04/13/2021 will become available in Version 2.4~

Some important mail such as birthday wishes will be automatically transferred into the Gift Mail Box after you have collected the rewards. Mail within this Box will not expire over time.

Q: After some opponents have been defeated, they sometimes still block the arrows of certain characters.
A: Adjustments will be made to fix this issue in Version 2.4. Enemies will no longer be regarded as targets when they are defeated and thus will not block attacks from bows or some Catalysts. Besides that, we have also optimized the impact effect of fallen enemies.

Q: When I am in Inazuma while my Daily Commissions are set in Mondstadt, it is very inconvenient to scroll up the map to locate these tasks.
A: With more areas added to our ever-expanding map, we will make optimizations accordingly in Version 2.4, which will be explained in detail in our Version Sneak Peek Special Program~ Don't miss out on it.

Q: Can you add an elevating mechanism that makes it less troublesome to scale the Floating Platform?
A: The suggestion has been duly noted~ In subsequent versions, we will add elevating Furnishings to make it easier for Travelers to board the Floating Platform.

Q: So many lovely Furnishings have become available in the Serenitea Pot today. Can I ask for more? Also, please include more gameplay mechanics!
A: In Version 2.4, fun Furnishings such as the "Speedy Rhythm" and "Euphonium Unbound" series will be added to the Riches of the Realm. Speedy Rhythm is a combination of furnishings created by Tubby herself, and it is made from the Scoreboard and Flash Step components. After stepping on different Flash Steps, the lamps on the Scoreboard will light up one by one and the corresponding score will be recorded.

Q: It is very troublesome to filter Artifacts. Is it possible to filter them by main affixes and minor affixes?
A: The developers are making various optimizations to the display of Artifacts, including sorting them by attributes. In the future, you will be able to select another affix as a secondary rule for sorting. On top of that, in addition to the existing set name, the icons of Artifacts will be displayed in the Artifacts filter interface to help Travelers find their desired Artifacts faster.

Q: Sometimes, when I get near a monster after my friends defeat it in Co-Op Mode, the monster did not drop any items. Why is that so?
A: Please note that when a character is too far away from the defeated enemy, the enemy will not drop items. Enemies defeated after being pushed off a high place sometimes do not drop any items, either.

Page 20

Version 2.4 "Fleeting Colors in Flight" Trailer | Genshin Impact

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Where light can barely reach, a treacherous foe lies in wait in the shadows. In a realm void of sunlight, the remaining kindlings still burn. And where the sun shines, people's hopes spring eternal.

These heartfelt wishes sparkle as bright as fireworks blooming in the sky.

Page 21

Enchanting Journey of Snow and Stars: Illuminating Event in the Alps (Teaser 1) | Genshin Impact

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Dragonspine has been available for a year and it has brought many precious memories to players.

To commemorate the occasion, we invite you to light up the Alps with the shimmering glow in your hand, to begin your journey to another world.

Take part in the "Enchanting Journey of Snow and Stars" web event, and let the snowy mountains we love be seen by the whole world!

Please refer to our social media for more details!

Page 22

Outfit Teaser: Teyvat Style – Swirling Hues | Genshin Impact

Silky robes flutter in a swirl, caressing against her delicate silhouette.

As we gather together in this beautiful moment, let us toast to the everlasting glow of the moon and stars.

Page 23

Genshin Impact Version 2.4 Preview

Dear Traveler,
The Version 2.4 "Fleeting Colors in Flight" Preview Page Is Here!


※ Open the event webpage from within the game and share the page to get 20,000 Mora

Page 24

"Let's make the most of the time before nightfall." – Keqing's New Outfit Showcase "Opulent Splendor"

Hi Travelers~
Keqing's new outfit "Opulent Splendor" will be available soon after the Version 2.4 update. Travelers can purchase it at the Character Outfit Shop! Let's check it out~


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〓How to Obtain〓
After the Version 2.4 update, Keqing's outfit "Opulent Splendor" will be permanently available in the Shop.

Enjoy a limited-time discount when you purchase "Opulent Splendor" between the start of the Version 2.4 update and 2022/02/14 03:59! During the discount period, the price of the outfit is 1,350 Genesis Crystals. The price will revert to 1,680 Genesis Crystals after the limited-time discount ends. The outfit can only be purchased once.

Page 25

"I guess this is warranted. It's beautiful outside, and you're here to see it with me." – Ningguang's New Outfit Showcase "Orchid's Evening Gown"

Hi Travelers~
Ningguang's new outfit "Orchid's Evening Gown" will be available soon after the Version 2.4 update. Get it for free during the limited-time event "Fleeting Colors in Flight"! Let's check it out~


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〓How to Obtain〓
During Version 2.4, Travelers can obtain Ningguang's outfit "Orchid's Evening Gown" for free during the limited-time event "Fleeting Colors in Flight."

※ After the end of Version 2.4, "Orchid's Evening Gown" will be available for purchase in the Character Outfit Shop for 1,680 Genesis Crystals.

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The Inazuma Diaries: Enkanomiya Vol. 1 — New Mechanisms

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In Version 2.4, Enkanomiya on Watatsumi Island, Inazuma will become available. This mysterious area under Sangonomiya must have piqued the curiosity of Travelers who've visited Watatsumi Island. Let's check out the various new gameplay mechanics Enkanomiya has to offer~

P.S. This diary contains information on how to solve the puzzles for some mechanisms. For Travelers who don't like spoilers, do consider skipping this diary~

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Enkanomiya Unlock Criteria: • Adventure Rank 30 or above • Complete the Archon Quest "Chapter II: Act III - Omnipresence Over Mortals"

• Complete the World Quests "The Still Water's Flow" and "The Moon-Bathed Deep"


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Enkanomiya is cut off from the sun's light. As such, there is no distinction between day and night here. Instead, they had the distinction between Whitenight and Evernight. Many mechanisms in Enkanomiya need to be activated by switching between Whitenight and Evernight.

Of Sun and Moon

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Shield-Lights of Tokoyo present during Whitenight are dispelled during Evernight and vice versa.

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There are certain distortions in the air visible in Enkanomiya, which are known as Sunfire Phantasms. Switching between day and night can cause these illusions to disperse or show themselves.

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Daises of Day and Night Mechanisms known as Daises of Day and Night appear different in the Whitenight and Evernight states.

Daises of Day and Daises of Night will be filled up during their respective "day" and "night" times. Get close to them to operate them. However, their states will reset when you switch between Evernight and Whitenight.

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Triangular Mechanisms
You will come across these triangular mechanisms in Enkanomiya. Within a certain distance, attacks can be used to activate them. These mechanisms will reset after a while. If you find that a mechanism is currently damaged, try switching to Evernight — they will fix themselves right up.

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Places of Essence Worship

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Key Sigils
When exploring Enkanomiya, Travelers may obtain the items known as Key Sigils. The images known as Key Sigils originate from Enkanomiya, and there are a total of five of them. Just as one key fits one lock, each one of them can release the seal with a matching image. Collect them and use them well!

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Ghostfish possess a special power. The schools of Ghostfish will surround you when you are within them, allowing you to continuously glide. But watch your positioning — if you find yourself outside the group, the added lift will be lost.

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Some ball-shaped mechanisms in Enkanomiya have a similar function to Phase Gates and can allow you to travel far and wide quickly.

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We will have more info for you in the future, so see you next time~