why my review hidden

Review score

Based on 67 hotel reviews


Score breakdown

  • Cleanliness 9.6
  • Comfort 9.4
  • Location 9.6
  • Facilities 9.0
  • Staff 9.6
  • Value for money 9.2
  • Free WiFi 9.7
  • Malta hotel reviews

Some of the words you’ll see have very specific meanings, so please check out the ‘ dictionary’ in our Terms of Service.

When you book an Accommodation, B.V. provides and is responsible for the Platform – but not the Travel Experience itself (see 1B below). B.V. is a company incorporated under the laws of the Netherlands (registered address: Oosterdokskade 163, 1011 DL, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Chamber of Commerce number: 31047344; VAT number: NL805734958B01).

1B. How does our service work?

We make it easy for you to compare Bookings from many hotels, property owners and other Service Providers.

When you make a Booking on our Platform, you enter into a contract with the Service Provider (unless otherwise stated).

The information on our Platform is based on what Service Providers tell us. We do our best to keep things up to date at all times, but realistically it can take a few hours to update e.g. text descriptions and lists of the facilities that Accommodations provide.

1C. Who do we work with?

Only Service Providers that have a contractual relationship with us will be displayed on our Platform. They may offer Travel Experiences outside our Platform as well.

We don’t own any Accommodations ourselves - each Service Provider is a separate company that has agreed to work with us in a certain way.

Our Platform tells you how many Accommodations you can book through us worldwide - and our search results page tells you how many of them might be right for you, based on what you’ve told us.

1D. How do we make money?

We don’t buy or (re-)sell any products or services. Once your stay is finished, the Service Provider simply pays us a commission.

If the second Accommodation in your search results has a badge that says ‘Ad’, this means that the Service Provider has paid for it to appear there, as part of our ‘Booking Network Sponsored Ads’ programme.

1E. Our recommendation systems

How uses recommendation systems

All great properties deserve to be discovered. That’s why we use ‘recommendation’ systems to display information on our Platform in a way that’ll help you discover properties we think you’ll like. For example, on the ‘Stays’ landing page, you’ll find a number of recommendation systems, including:

  • Trending destinations. Destinations you may want to travel to, based on Bookings made by other travellers whose searches were similar to yours.
  • Homes guests love. Home properties with high review scores.
  • Looking for the perfect stay? Properties (as opposed to destinations) that you may want to stay at, based on Bookings made by other guests whose searches were similar to yours.

Our search results are also a recommendation system. In fact, they’re the recommendation system that our customers use the most, so please check out ‘Our default ranking and sorting options’ below.

All the recommendation systems we use provide recommendations based on one or more of the following factors:

  • What you tell us in the search form: destination, dates, number of guests, etc.
  • Any information we’ve gathered based on how you interact with our Platform: your past searches on our Platform, the country where you are while browsing, etc.
  • An Accommodation’s performance on our Platform:
    • its click-through rate (how many people click on it)
    • its gross bookings (how many bookings are made with that Accommodation)
    • its net bookings (how many bookings are made with that Accommodation, minus how many are cancelled)
  • Information about an Accommodation’s availability, pricing scores, review scores, etc.

To make it as easy as possible for you to find and book an Accommodation, each factor can be more (or less) important in different cases, depending on what we think is most likely to produce a list of properties you may want to book.

Our default ranking and sorting options

Our search results are also a recommendation system. They show all the Accommodations (hotels, apartments, etc.) that match your search. If you like, you can use filters to narrow down your results.

To see all the booking options an Accommodation offers, just click it.

When you first get your search results, they’ll be sorted (‘ordered’) by ‘Our top picks’ (called ‘Popularity’ on our app):

  • To appear high up on the page, an Accommodation needs to do well in each of these three areas:
    • Click-through rate. How many people click on it
    • Gross bookings. How many bookings are made with that Accommodation
    • Net bookings. How many bookings are made with that Accommodation, minus how many are cancelled.
  • As you can imagine, those numbers depend on lots of factors, including review scores, availability, policies, pricing, quality of content (e.g. photos) and other features.
  • An Accommodation’s ranking can also be influenced by other things - for example, how much commission they pay us on Bookings, how quickly they usually pay it, whether they’re part of our Genius programme or Preferred Partner(+) Programme, and in certain places*, whether we organise their payments.
  • Any information we've gathered based on how you interact with our Platform (including what you tell us) will also be a factor.

* At the moment, this ranking factor only applies to US Accommodations booked by US-based customers.

Many of the above factors help our recommendation system decide which Accommodations might be the most appealing and relevant to you. Some play a small role in that decision, while others play a big role -- and the importance of each factor can change, depending on the features of the Accommodation, and on how you and other people use our Platform.

For example, an Accommodation's click-through rate and number of Bookings often play a large role in the decisions. That's because they're a direct reflection of the Accommodation's overall appeal, and how satisfied its guests tend to be with what it offers.

A high click-through rate usually means that the Accommodation makes a good first impression on our Platform (e.g. through images, amenities, or descriptions) – and getting a lot of Bookings indicates that many people find it really does meet their requirements.

But other factors play a role as well. For example, we might give preference to Accommodations that are part of our Genius programme – or offer versatile, user-friendly payment policies. After all, these factors suggest that these Accommodations understand how important service and convenience are to our customers.

Our recommendations are also influenced by how other customers with similar preferences use our Platform. For example, if:

  • Person A often books Accommodations in Paris, Barcelona and Rome, and
  • Person B often books Accommodations in Paris, Barcelona, Rome, Berlin and Madrid

...then our recommendation system might predict that Person A would also be interested in properties in Berlin and Madrid.

If the second Accommodation in your search results has a badge that says ‘Ad’, this means that the Service Provider has paid for it to appear there, as part of our ‘Booking Network Sponsored Ads’ programme.

If you would prefer us not to order your search results in our default way, you can sort them in other ways, such as:

  • Homes & apartments first. Homes and apartments appear higher up than hotels and other types of Accommodation.
  • Price (lowest first). Accommodations with lower prices appear higher up.
  • Genius discount first. Genius Accommodations appear higher up than other Accommodations.
  • Property rating (high to low). Accommodations with more stars* and/or higher quality ratings* appear higher up.
  • Property rating (low to high). Accommodations with fewer stars and/or lower quality ratings appear higher up.
  • Top reviewed (called ‘Best reviewed’ in our app). Accommodations with higher review scores* appear higher up. If you see any instances where this isn’t the case, it’s just because we also factor in reliability (i.e. number of reviews). For example, an Accommodation with 1,000 reviews and an average score of 8.2 could appear above an Accommodation with 5 reviews and an average score of 8.3.
  • Distance from (X). Accommodations that are closer to X (e.g. the city centre) appear higher up the page. (When we say ‘close’, we mean ‘close in a straight line’.)
  • Property rating. Accommodations with more stars appear higher up. Within each segment (5 stars, 4 stars, etc.) the ones with lower prices appear higher up.
  • Best reviewed and lowest price. Accommodations with higher review scores appear higher up. Within each 0.5 segment (between 10 and 9.5, between 9.5 and 9, etc.) the ones with lower prices appear higher up.

* Check out ‘Star ratings, review scores and quality ratings’ (1J) below.

Keep in mind that whatever sorting option you choose, the factors described in ‘Our top picks’ may still influence things. For instance, those factors might act as ‘tiebreakers’ between two or more Accommodations that would otherwise appear in the same spot. However, the ‘Our top picks’ factors are purely secondary – because they’re only used where we need to decide which of two properties to put first.

Personalised recommendations

Some of our recommendation systems make personalised recommendations based on how you have interacted with systems such as Destination Postcards, Nearby destinations and our search results. If you’re based in the EEA, you can change your settings so our recommendation systems do not provide you with personalised recommendations. To do that – if you’re using:

  • Our desktop or mobile site: click ‘Manage personalised recommendations’ in the footer
  • Our app: tap ‘Manage personalised recommendations’ in the banner.

Even if you do that, we may still retain some information about you so we can give you a more convenient experience. This could be information that you provided (e.g. your phone number or email address), or that we gathered based on how you interact with our Platform.

Your preference (about personalised recommendations) will apply on any device on which you have signed in to your account. If you’re not signed in to your account, your preference will not apply to other devices: it’ll be saved as part of your ‘cookies’, and when that cookie expires, so will your preference.

1F. Reviews

Each review score is between 1-10. To get the overall score that you see, we add up all the review scores we’ve received and divide that total by the number of review scores we’ve received. In addition, guests can also give separate ‘subscores’ for specific Travel Experience aspects, such as: location, cleanliness, staff, comfort, facilities, value for money, and free Wi-Fi. Note that guests submit their subscores and their overall scores independently, so there’s no direct link between them.

You can review an Accommodation that you booked through our Platform if you stayed there, or if you arrived at the Accommodation but didn’t actually stay there. To edit a review you’ve already submitted, please contact our Customer Service team.

We have people and automated systems that specialise in detecting fake reviews submitted to our Platform. If we find any, we delete them and, if necessary, take action against whoever’s responsible.

Anyone who spots something problematic can always report it to our Customer Service team, and our Fraud team will investigate.

Ideally, we would publish every consumer review we receive, whether positive or negative, unless it breaches our Content Standards and Guidelines.

To make sure reviews are relevant, we may only accept reviews that are submitted within 3 months of checking out, and we may stop showing reviews once they’re 36 months old - or if the Accommodation has a change of ownership.

An Accommodation may choose to reply to a review.

When you see multiple reviews, the most recent ones will be at the top, subject to a few other factors (what language a review is in, whether it’s just a score or contains comments as well, etc.). To make sure the most helpful reviews appear first, each factor can become more (or less) important – depending on how our Platform changes over time, for example.

If you would prefer us not to order reviews in our default way, you can sort them based on other factors, such as:

  • Newest first
  • Oldest first
  • Highest scores
  • Lowest scores

We sometimes show external review scores, from other well-known travel websites. We make it clear when we’ve done this.

Reviews may contain translations powered by Google, not Google disclaims all warranties related to the translations, express or implied, including any warranties of accuracy, reliability and any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement.

1G. Prices

The rates displayed on our Platform are set by the Service Providers. We may finance rewards or other benefits out of our own pocket.

When you make a Booking, you agree to pay the cost of the Travel Experience itself and any other charges and taxes that may apply (e.g. for any extras). Taxes and fees may vary for different reasons, such as the Service Provider’s location, the kind of room selected and the number of guests. The price description tells you whether any taxes and charges are included or excluded. You’ll be able to find more information about the price while you’re booking.

Our Platform provides descriptions of any equipment and facilities that Service Providers offer (based on what they tell us). It also tells you how much extra they’ll cost, if anything.

1H. Payments

There are three ways you might pay for your Booking:

  • The Service Provider charges you at the Accommodation.
  • The Service Provider charges you in advance. We (or our affiliate) will take your Payment Method details and forward them to the Service Provider.
  • We organise your payment to the Service Provider in advance. We (or our affiliate) will take your Payment Method details and make sure the Service Provider is paid.

If you cancel a Booking or don’t show up, any cancellation/no-show fee and any refund will depend on the Service Provider’s cancellation/no-show policy.

1I. Host type

We ask Service Providers, wherever they are in the world, to tell us if they’re acting as a ‘private host’ or as a ‘professional host’, as defined by EU law.

EU consumer law says we have to tell you this. So if you’re in the European Economic Area (EEA), Switzerland or the United Kingdom, you might see that some Accommodations in our search results have a ‘managed by a private host’ label, and a description of what that means. All other Accommodations, to the best of our knowledge, are managed by ‘professional hosts’.

This label has no relevance in terms of tax, including VAT and other ‘indirect taxes’ that relate to added value, sales or consumption.

1J. Star ratings, review scores and quality ratings

We don’t assign star ratings. Depending on local regulations, they’re assigned (a) by the Service Providers themselves or (b) by independent third parties (e.g. organisations that rate hotels). Either way, star ratings show you how Accommodations measure up in terms of - amongst others - value, facilities and available services. We don’t impose our own standards for star ratings, and we don’t review these star ratings, but if we become aware that a star rating is inaccurate, we’ll ask the Service Provider to either prove they deserve it… or adjust it!

What a star rating looks like: 1 - 5 yellow stars next to the property’s name.

We don’t assign review scores. Our customers do. See ‘Reviews’ (1F) above.

What a review score looks like: a blue square with a white number in it (1 - 10).

We do assign quality ratings. To help customers find the ideal Accommodation for them, we assign quality ratings to certain Accommodations on our Platform. Each rating is based on 400+ features, which fall into 5 major categories:

  • facilities/amenities/services
  • ‘property configuration’ (e.g. unit size, number of rooms and occupancy)
  • number and quality of photos uploaded by the Service Provider
  • average review score (and subscores that we know customers find particularly helpful, such as cleanliness)
  • overall historical Booking data (for example, to assess Accommodations’ star ratings).

We use these features to figure out statistical patterns, and we carry out an analysis using machine learning. This automatically calculates a quality rating of between 1 and 5.

What a quality rating looks like: 1 - 5 yellow squares next to the property’s name.

1K. Help and advice - if the unexpected happens

If you have any questions, or something doesn’t go according to plan, just contact us. You can do this by accessing your Booking, or through our app, or through our Help Centre where you’ll also find some useful FAQs). We handle complaints as soon as possible, treating the most urgent ones as the highest priority

You can help us help you as quickly as possible - by providing:

  • your Booking confirmation number, your PIN code, your contact details, and the email address you used when you booked your stay
  • a summary of the situation you need assistance with, including how you’d like us to help you
  • any supporting documents (bank statement, photos, receipts, etc.).

Whatever the issue, we will do what we can to help you.

  • What happens if a Booking is mispriced? Sometimes (very rarely), you might see an obvious incorrect price on our Platform. If that happens, and if you make your Booking before we correct the mistake, your Booking may be cancelled, and we’ll refund anything you’ve paid.
  • Do we ever remove Service Providers from our Platform altogether? Of course. We can do that if we find out that they’ve breached their contractual obligations, for example, or that they’ve provided an inaccurate description of their Accommodation (and failed to correct it when we asked them to).

For more information, check out ‘What if something goes wrong?’ (A15) and ‘Applicable law and forum’ (A19) in our Terms of Service.

Why is my booking com review anonymous?

Anonymous reviews on Booking.comWe no longer allow anonymous reviews on our platform. Anonymous reviews were previously allowed with the goal of protecting guest privacy and helping partners gather as many reviews as possible.

Does booking com remove reviews?

How long does Booking com keep reviews? Reviews on stays on a property listing for 36 months. After this, they're automatically archived and would appear on the last page of reviews. Your overall score would also be recalculated without the archived scores.

How do I leave an anonymous review on booking com?

We ask all guests who have stayed at your property to provide a review. Note that reviews cannot be anonymous on

How do I update my booking com review?

To edit a review you've already submitted, please contact our Customer Service team. We have people and automated systems that specialise in detecting fake reviews submitted to our Platform.