How do you make a party playlist on Apple Music?

With so many options for music streaming services, its likely youve considered switching to a new one. Maybe a musician you really like is only on one service, or another one has better features. If you dont want to lose all your perfectly curated playlists, you could manually build up all your playlists again, but that could take years and a ton of determination. You could also start from scratchnew subscription, new you! But if youre like most people, youll want to find a way to transfer your playlists automatically. Heres how to transfer your Spotify playlists to Apple Music, and how to transfer playlists from many other popular services as well.

How does transferring music work?

How do you make a party playlist on Apple Music?

Streaming apps dont directly allow you to transfer playlists, but services exist to help you transfer them easily.

First, youll need to choose a service to use to transfer your playlists, since playlist transferring isnt a built-in or automatic feature on Apple Music. Popular options are Soundiiz and Tune My Music, both of which will ask for the source you want to transfer from, which playlists you want to transfer, and where you want them to go. These services work by scanning the metadata from the tracks in your playlists, and matching it to music in the database of the streaming service youre transferring them to. Because of this, errors can occur, especially with more obscure artists with very little or incorrect metadata. However, this is generally rare, and you can manually fix these issues when they happen.

When youre transferring Spotify playlists to Apple Music, or between any two services, the transferring service needs access to both your music accounts, which might be concerning if you never share your passwords. Thankfully, these third parties only get access to specific information, and you can revoke permission at any time after using them in their various settings pages. You can also revoke third-party permissions through the settings menu on any streaming service. On Spotify, youll have to go to the site on your browser, since you cant access permissions through the app alone.

While there are a lot of services that can help you transfer your playlists between streaming platforms, for the purposes of this article, well be using Soundiiz to show you how its done.

See also: Apple Music review | Spotify review

How do you transfer Spotify playlists to Apple Music?

How do you make a party playlist on Apple Music?
Soundiiz will ask you where you want your playlists to come from, which you want to transfer, and where they're going.
How do you make a party playlist on Apple Music?
Soundiiz will show you how long it takes to transfer your music, and if it missed anything along the way.

Transferring Spotify playlists to Apple Music is really easy with the services available. Its as simple as choosing Spotify as the source and Apple Music as the destination. Of course, you need to select which Spotify playlists you want to be added to Apple Music.

Youll get a pop-up prompt asking if the service can connect to Spotify and to Apple Music, listing the permissions youre giving the service to read the metadata from your tracks. Accept this, and let it run in the background as it does its job.

How do you make a party playlist on Apple Music?

Permissions for third-party app access can be found in the Apple Music settings menu and the Spotify account menu.

After that, your Apple Music will be exactly how you want it. You can scan it to see if it missed anything or made any errors. You can then revoke permissions for Soundiiz on both Spotify and Apple Music.

Related: Apple Music vs Spotify

How do you transfer TIDAL playlists to Apple Music?

How do you make a party playlist on Apple Music?

Transferring your playlists from TIDAL to Apple Music is also really simple.

Transferring TIDAL playlists is a similar process to transferring ones from Spotify. On Soundiiz, choose TIDAL as the service youre transferring playlists from. Then, select the playlists you want to transfer, and choose Apple Music to transfer the playlists to.

Youll get a prompt to give Soundiiz permissions for both applications. Youll need to accept this for both TIDAL and Apple Music to transfer your music.

Read on: TIDAL HiFi Plus review

Once youve given Soundiiz, itll work to transfer your playlists. Once this is done, you can check to make sure your music is transferred without issue. Lastly, you can revoke third-party permissions in your Apple Music settings.

How do you transfer Amazon Music playlists to Apple Music?

How do you make a party playlist on Apple Music?

Transferring songs between Amazon Music and Apple Music is no problem.

If youre an Amazon Music user, the process is the same as above. To transfer your Amazon Music playlists to Apple Music, using Soundiiz, choose Amazon Music as the source, select the playlists you want to transfer, and choose Apple Music as those playlists destination.

You will get a prompt about third-party app permissions on both apps for Soundiiz, which youll have to accept for the service to read your metadata and move the songs.

See: Amazon Music HD review

Once youve done that, you can sit back and itll move your playlists in minutes!

How do you transfer YouTube Music playlists to Apple Music?

How do you make a party playlist on Apple Music?

All your playlists will soon be in the right place.

YouTube Music users can also easily transfer playlists to Apple Music. You can transfer your YouTube Music playlists to Apple Music using Soundiiz by choosing YouTube Music as the source to transfer from, selecting the playlists you want to import, and selecting Apple Music as the destination.

Make sure to allow third-party app permissions when you get the pop-up prompt for it. This is so that Soundiiz can read the metadata from your playlists and transfer all the music over.

Once youve done that, in very little time youll have all your favorite playlists in the right place.

How do you transfer Deezer playlists to Apple Music?

How do you make a party playlist on Apple Music?

If theres Weezer in your Deezer you can get that moved over, too.

Got some Weezer in your Deezer that you want to listen to on Apple Music? To transfer your Deezer playlists to Apple Music using Soundiiz, choose Deezer as the service youre transferring music from, pick the playlists you want to move, and choose Apple Music as the destination for those playlists.

Youll need to give Soundiiz third-party permissions in both apps, which youll get a prompt for.

See: Spotify vs Deezer

Once thats done, just sit back and soon enough, your Apple Music will be full of your favorite tracks.

How do you transfer Qobuz playlists to Apple Music?

How do you make a party playlist on Apple Music?

Before you know it, your Qobuz playlists will be in your Apple Music library.

If youre a Qobuz listener, moving your playlists to Apple Music is a total breeze. Transferring your Qobuz playlists to Apple Music is as simple as opening up the Soundiiz website, choosing Qobuz as the place youre transferring playlists from, picking the playlists you want to move, and choosing Apple Music as where you want those playlists to go.

Make sure to allow Soundiiz permissions in each streaming service. Before you know it, your Apple Music will be full of the playlists you know and love.

What if your playlists are missing songs or have incorrect songs?

When theres a lack of metadata in the songs youre transferring, you may find some dont make the jump. Sometimes this can happen when an artist isnt on the platform youre moving to. If this happens, you can look to see if the artists or songs you wanted exist on the new platform you chose, and remove any incorrect track. Soundiiz and Tune My Music will tell you if it missed any songs in the transfer process. Its always good to double-check that you got everything. You dont want to cancel your old subscription, only to realize you cant find some of your favorites and your old playlists are already gone.

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Frequently asked questions about how to transfer Spotify and other music services

Can I transfer playlists to more than one other streaming platform?

You can use a transfer service to migrate playlists from one service to multiple. All you need to do is repeat the transfer processes listed above manually and repeat as needed.

Do these steps work if I want to transfer downloaded music?

Unfortunately, the steps above are only for transferring playlists. If you want to download the same tracks you have on, for instance, Spotify onto Apple Music, youll need to do so manually.