How do you mention spaces in python?


How would I deal with this? The variable "residual sugar" has a space, other than don't use variables with spaces (not my data).

plt.plot(trimmedWine.density, trimmedWine.residual sugar, 'bo', alpha=.25)

  • python

asked Jan 17, 2017 at 22:10

How do you mention spaces in python?


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    That's not a variable.

    – juanpa.arrivillaga

    Jan 17, 2017 at 22:42

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I suppose you are referring to pandas data frame column, if so, then trimmedWine['residual sugar'] is what you probably need.

answered Jan 17, 2017 at 22:15


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    In this article, we will learn about how to print space or multiple spaces in the Python programming language. Spacing in Python language is quite simple than other programming language. In C languages, to print 10 spaces a loop is used while in python no loop is used to print number of spaces.

    Following are the example of the print spaces:

    Example 1: A simple way to print spaces



    print(' ')

    print(" ")

    print("Geeks  For    Geeks")


    Geeks  For    Geeks

    Example 2: Printing spaces between two values while printing in a single print statement.


    x = 1

    y = 2





    x: 1
    y: 2
    1 + 2 = 3

    Example 3: Print multiple spaces between two values.


    print("Geeks"+" "+"For"+" "+"Geeks")


    print("Geeks"+" "*3+"For"+" "*3+"Geeks")

    print("Geeks"+" "*5+"For"+" "*10+"Geeks")


    Geeks For Geeks
    Geeks For Geeks
    Geeks   For   Geeks
    Geeks     For          Geeks

    Python isspace() method is used to check space in the string. It returna true if there are only whitespace characters in the string. Otherwise it returns false. Space, newline, and tabs etc are known as whitespace characters and are defined in the Unicode character database as Other or Separator.



    No parameter is required.


    It returns either True or False.

    Let's see some examples of isspace() method to understand it's functionalities.

    Python String isspace() Method Example 1


    Python String isspace() Method Example 2


    Python String isspace() Method Example 3

    isspace() method returns true for all whitespaces like:

    • ' ' - Space
    • '\t' - Horizontal tab
    • '\n' - Newline
    • '\v' - Vertical tab
    • '\f' - Feed
    • '\r' - Carriage return


    It contains space
    Not space
    It contains space

    How do you represent a space in Python?

    In Python, characters that are used for spacing are called as whitespace characters. They include newline, spaces, tabs, carriage return, feed, etc..
    ' ' – Space..
    '\t' – Horizontal tab..
    '\v' – Vertical tab..
    '\n' – Newline..
    '\r' – Carriage return..
    '\f' – Feed..

    How do you put a space between characters in Python?

    Add spaces between the characters of a string in Python #.
    Call the join() method on a string containing a space..
    Pass the string as an argument to the join method..
    The method will return a string where the characters are separated by a space..

    How do spaces work in Python?

    Space characters count as one column. Tab characters count as one, then round up to the nearest multiple of eight. The lexer compares the column count to the top element of an indentation stack, which has a count for each nested block. If the count is equal, there was no change in indentation.

    Can there be spaces in Python?

    Python String isspace() Characters that are used for spacing are called whitespace characters. For example: tabs, spaces, newline, etc.