How to add 24 hours to current timestamp in php

I would like to add 24 hours to the timestamp for now. How do I find the unix timestamp number for 24 hours so I can add it to the timestamp for right now?

I also would like to know how to add 48 hours or multiple days to the current timestamp.

How can I go best about doing this?

asked Mar 25, 2010 at 11:37

How to add 24 hours to current timestamp in php


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You probably want to add one day rather than 24 hours. Not all days have 24 hours due to (among other circumstances) daylight saving time:

strtotime('+1 day', $timestamp);

answered Mar 25, 2010 at 11:41

Álvaro GonzálezÁlvaro González

137k38 gold badges254 silver badges341 bronze badges


A Unix timestamp is simply the number of seconds since January the first 1970, so to add 24 hours to a Unix timestamp we just add the number of seconds in 24 hours. (24 * 60 *60)

time() + 24*60*60;

answered Mar 25, 2010 at 11:39


Add 24*3600 which is the number of seconds in 24Hours

How to add 24 hours to current timestamp in php


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answered Mar 25, 2010 at 11:38

How to add 24 hours to current timestamp in php

Soufiane HassouSoufiane Hassou

16.8k2 gold badges39 silver badges74 bronze badges


Unix timestamp is in seconds, so simply add the corresponding number of seconds to the timestamp:

$timeInFuture = time() + (60 * 60 * 24);

answered Mar 25, 2010 at 11:39


54.2k10 gold badges85 silver badges77 bronze badges


You could use the DateTime class as well:

$timestamp = mktime(15, 30, 00, 3, 28, 2015);

$d = new DateTime();

Add a Period of 1 Day:

$d->add(new DateInterval('P1D'));
echo $d->format('c');

See DateInterval for more details.

answered Mar 25, 2010 at 11:49


9,9885 gold badges31 silver badges42 bronze badges


As you have said if you want to add 24 hours to the timestamp for right now then simply you can do:


Above code will add 1 day or 24 hours to your current timestamp.

in place of +1 day you can take whatever you want, As php manual says strtotime can Parse about any English textual datetime description into a Unix timestamp.

examples from the manual are as below:

answered Dec 10, 2018 at 6:48

How to add 24 hours to current timestamp in php

$time = date("H:i", strtotime($today . " +5 hours +30 minutes"));
//+5 hours +30 minutes     Time Zone +5:30 (Asia/Kolkata)

How to add 24 hours to current timestamp in php


27.8k21 gold badges75 silver badges127 bronze badges

answered Feb 13, 2020 at 11:24

How to add 24 hours to current timestamp in php

How much is a day in timestamp?

1 Day: 86,400 seconds.

How does PHP calculate 24 hours?

php $starttime = strtotime('2017-05-11 21:00:00'); $starttimeformat = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $starttime); echo "Current Time:"; echo $starttimeformat; echo '
'; echo '
'; $onedayadedtime_format = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('+24 hours', $starttime)); echo "End Time after adding 24 hours:"; echo $ ...

How do you add hours on Strtotime?

You can use DateTime::modify to add time, but I would just do time()+10800 . Show activity on this post. $time = new DateTime("+ 3 hour"); $timestamp = $time->format('Y-M-d h:i:s a');

How can I timestamp in PHP?

The strtotime() function parses an English textual datetime into a Unix timestamp (the number of seconds since January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT). Note: If the year is specified in a two-digit format, values between 0-69 are mapped to 2000-2069 and values between 70-100 are mapped to 1970-2000.