Lỗi create database permission denied in database master năm 2024

As the message says, you don't have the permission to create a new database. Ask your DBA to grant you permissions or to create the database for you.

  • 2023-09-19T01:48:52.1866667+00:00 Hi @Şevval Çakır,
    CREATE DATABASE permission denied in database 'master'

    Seems like a permission issue, the user account you're using doesn't have the permission to create a new database. When working with SQL databases, you may encounter the error message “SQL CREATE DATABASE permission denied in database ‘master'”. This error occurs when you do not have the necessary permissions to create a new database in the ‘master’ database, which is the system database in SQL Server.

    Understanding the ‘master’ Database

    The ‘master’ database is a crucial component of SQL Server as it stores system-level information and metadata. It contains information about all other databases on the server, including their file locations, configuration settings, and security credentials. The ‘master’ database is automatically created when you install SQL Server, and it is essential for the proper functioning of the server. As a system database, the ‘master’ database has restricted access to ensure the integrity and security of the SQL Server instance. Only users with administrative privileges or specific permissions can perform certain operations within the ‘master’ database, such as creating new databases.

    Causes of the ‘SQL CREATE DATABASE Permission Denied’ Error

    There are several reasons why you may encounter the “SQL CREATE DATABASE permission denied in database ‘master'” error:

    Lack of Sufficient Permissions: The most common cause of this error is that your user account does not have the necessary permissions to create a new database in the ‘master’ database. By default, only members of the ‘sysadmin’ fixed server role or users with the ‘CREATE DATABASE’ permission can create databases. Incorrect Syntax: Another possible cause is that you are using incorrect syntax when attempting to create the database. Make sure you are using the correct SQL syntax and that all required parameters are provided.
  • Database in Single-User Mode: If the ‘master’ database is in single-user mode, only one user can connect to it at a time. If another user is already connected to the ‘master’ database, you will receive the permission denied error when trying to create a new database.

    Resolving the ‘SQL CREATE DATABASE Permission Denied’ Error

    To resolve the “SQL CREATE DATABASE permission denied in database ‘master'” error, you can take the following steps:
  • Check Your Permissions: Verify that your user account has the necessary permissions to create a new database. If you are not a member of the ‘sysadmin’ fixed server role, contact your database administrator to grant you the ‘CREATE DATABASE’ permission.
  • Use the Correct Syntax: Double-check your SQL syntax to ensure that you are using the correct format for creating a new database. The syntax for creating a database in SQL Server is as follows:

    CREATE DATABASE database_name;

    Replace ‘database_name’ with the desired name for your new database.
  • Check for Single-User Mode: If the ‘master’ database is in single-user mode, you need to ensure that no other user is connected to it before creating a new database. To check the current mode of the ‘master’ database, you can use the following SQL query:

    SELECT name, state_desc FROM sys.databases WHERE name = 'master';

    If the ‘state_desc’ column shows ‘SINGLE_USER’, you can change it to ‘MULTI_USER’ by executing the following SQL command:


    After changing the mode, you should be able to create a new database without encountering the permission denied error.

    FAQ Section

    Q: Can I create a database without administrative privileges?

    A: By default, only members of the ‘sysadmin’ fixed server role or users with the ‘CREATE DATABASE’ permission can create databases. If you do not have administrative privileges, you will need to contact your database administrator to grant you the necessary permissions.

    Q: What should I do if I still cannot create a database after checking my permissions?

    A: If you have verified that you have the ‘CREATE DATABASE’ permission and are still unable to create a database, there may be other factors at play. It is recommended to consult with your database administrator or refer to the SQL Server documentation for further troubleshooting steps.

    Q: Are there any alternatives to creating a database in the ‘master’ database?

    A: Yes, it is generally not recommended to create user databases in the ‘master’ database. Instead, you should create databases in their own separate filegroups. This helps to maintain a clear separation between system databases and user databases, ensuring better organization and security.


    The “SQL CREATE DATABASE permission denied in database ‘master'” error can be frustrating when you are trying to create a new database in SQL Server. By understanding the causes of this error and following the recommended steps for resolution, you can overcome this issue and successfully create databases in your SQL Server instance. Remember to always check your permissions, use the correct syntax, and ensure that the ‘master’ database is not in single-user mode. For more information on SQL Server permissions and database management, refer to the official Microsoft SQL Server documentation [1].