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  1. attracting your attention because it is/they are special, exciting or unusual
    • The article raises several interesting questions.
    • The speaker made some interesting points.
    • The documentary explores some interesting ideas about addiction.
    • She sounds like a really interesting person.
    • Our survey produced some very interesting results.
    • He had a lot of interesting things to say.
    • it is interesting to do something It will be interesting to see what happens.
    • It is particularly interesting to compare the two versions.
    • It would be interesting to know what he really believed.
    • interesting (that) I find it interesting that she claims not to know him.
    • it is interesting (that) It is interesting that you mention that.
    • interesting about something What is interesting about the speech is how modern it sounds.
    • The project does sound interesting.
    • Some of the titles look interesting.
    • Then things started to get interesting.
    • She puts enough detail into the story to make it interesting.
    • Can't we do something more interesting?
    • Her account makes interesting reading.
    Synonyms interestinginteresting
    • fascinating
    • compelling
    • stimulating
    • gripping
    • absorbing
    These words all describe something that attracts or holds your attention because it is exciting, unusual or full of good ideas.
    • interesting attracting your attention because it is exciting, unusual or full of good ideas:
      • Thats an interesting question, Daniel.
    • fascinating extremely interesting or attractive:
      • The exhibition tells the fascinating story of the steam age.
    • compelling (rather formal) so interesting or exciting that it holds your attention:
      • Her latest book makes compelling reading.
    • stimulating full of interesting or exciting ideas; making people feel enthusiastic:
      • Thank you for a most stimulating discussion.
    • gripping so exciting or interesting that it holds your attention completely:
      • His books are always so gripping.
    • absorbing interesting and fun and holding your attention completely:
      • Chess can be an extremely absorbing game.
    • interesting/​fascinating/​stimulating for somebody
    • interesting/​fascinating to somebody
    • interesting/​fascinating that
    • interesting/​fascinating to see/​hear/​find/​learn/​know
    • a(n) interesting/​fascinating/​compelling/​gripping story/​read/​book
    • a(n) interesting/​fascinating/​stimulating experience/​discussion/​idea
    • to find something interesting/​fascinating/​compelling/​stimulating/​gripping/​absorbing
    Which Word? interested / interesting / uninterested / disinterested / uninterestinginterested / interesting / uninterested / disinterested / uninteresting
    • The opposite of interested is uninterested or not interested:
      • He is completely uninterested in politics.
      • I am not really interested in politics.
    • Disinterested means that you can be fair in judging a situation because you do not feel personally involved in it:
      • A solicitor can give you disinterested advice.
      However, in speech it is sometimes used instead of uninterested, although this is thought to be incorrect.
    • The opposite of interesting can be uninteresting:
      • The food was dull and uninteresting.
      It is more common to use a different word such as dull or boring.
    Extra Examples
    • I find her ideas really interesting.
    • It was always interesting to hear his stories.
    • It's not very interesting for visitors.
    • None of them had anything remotely interesting to say.
    • So far, my trip has proved interesting.
    • Some topics appeared interesting enough to require more detailed information.
    • This is a genuinely interesting article.
    • This subject is intrinsically interesting and worthy of study in its own right.
    • architecturally interesting buildings
    • You seem to know a lot of very interesting people.
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • appear
    • be
    • look
    • extremely
    • fairly
    • very
    • for
    • to
    See full entry
See interesting in the Oxford Advanced American DictionarySee interesting in the Oxford Learner's Dictionary of Academic English