Php get string after last slash

I want to get the characters after the last / in an url like

How do I do with php?

asked Sep 1, 2009 at 10:40


18.5k30 gold badges69 silver badges88 bronze badges


Very simply:

$id = substr($url, strrpos($url, '/') + 1);

strrpos gets the position of the last occurrence of the slash; substr returns everything after that position.

As mentioned by redanimalwar if there is no slash this doesn't work correctly since strrpos returns false. Here's a more robust version:

$pos = strrpos($url, '/');
$id = $pos === false ? $url : substr($url, $pos + 1);

answered Sep 1, 2009 at 10:43


67.4k65 gold badges204 silver badges285 bronze badges


from os.path import basename

$str = basename($url);

Php get string after last slash


6,2933 gold badges42 silver badges63 bronze badges

answered Sep 1, 2009 at 13:30


5,2481 gold badge21 silver badges16 bronze badges


You could explode based on "/", and return the last entry:

print end( explode( "/", "" ) );

That's based on blowing the string apart, something that isn't necessary if you know the pattern of the string itself will not soon be changing. You could, alternatively, use a regular expression to locate that value at the end of the string:

$url = "";

if ( preg_match( "/\d+$/", $url, $matches ) ) {
    print $matches[0];

answered Sep 1, 2009 at 10:41


261k74 gold badges530 silver badges559 bronze badges


You can use substr and strrchr:

$url = '';
$str = substr(strrchr($url, '/'), 1);
echo $str;      // Output: 1234567


293k64 gold badges301 silver badges291 bronze badges

answered Sep 1, 2009 at 11:58


6751 gold badge9 silver badges17 bronze badges


$str = "";
$s = explode("/",$str);
print end($s);

answered Sep 1, 2009 at 10:55


313k55 gold badges252 silver badges339 bronze badges


array_pop(explode("/", "")); will return the last element of the example url

answered Sep 1, 2009 at 10:46

16k6 gold badges47 silver badges83 bronze badges


Two one liners - I suspect the first one is faster but second one is prettier and unlike end() and array_pop(), you can pass the result of a function directly to current() without generating any notice or warning since it doesn't move the pointer or alter the array.

$var = '';

// VERSION 1 - one liner simmilar to DisgruntledGoat's answer above
echo substr($a,(strrpos($var,'/') !== false ? strrpos($var,'/') + 1 : 0));

// VERSION 2 - explode, reverse the array, get the first index.
echo current(array_reverse(explode('/',$var)));

answered Jan 10, 2017 at 14:35

Php get string after last slash

Eaten by a GrueEaten by a Grue

19.9k10 gold badges79 silver badges99 bronze badges


answered Aug 28, 2021 at 1:11

Php get string after last slash


1,19914 silver badges31 bronze badges

Here's a beautiful dynamic function I wrote to remove last part of url or path.

 * remove the last directories
 * @param $path the path
 * @param $level number of directories to remove
 * @return string
private function removeLastDir($path, $level)
    if(is_int($level) && $level > 0){
        $path = preg_replace('#\/[^/]*$#', '', $path);
        return $this->removeLastDir($path, (int) $level - 1);
    return $path;

answered May 27, 2015 at 12:34

Php get string after last slash

Mahmoud ZaltMahmoud Zalt

28.9k7 gold badges81 silver badges81 bronze badges

How to get value after last slash?

To get the value of a string after the last slash, call the substring() method, passing it the index, after the last index of a / character as a parameter. The substring method returns a new string, containing the specified part of the original string. Copied!

How can I get the last segment of a string in PHP?

strrchr returns the portion of the string after and including the given char, not a numeric index. So you would want to do $last_section = substr(strrchr($string, '. '), 1); to get everything after the char.

How to get last word from url in php?

150. ... .
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How to get string after last slash c#?

5 Answers.
Since C# 8.0 you can also use the range operator. C# Console. WriteLine(path[pos..]); For reference, see:… ... .
Good thing to notice how this works when there is no slash in the string. It returns the whole string, which is usually correct..