Thẻ nào dùng để tạo dòng trống trong html?

thẻ là phương pháp phổ biến nhất để cấu trúc văn bản trên trang Web. Hầu hết các trang Web là các trang văn bản và các đoạn văn là phương pháp trình bày văn bản thuận tiện và dễ đọc. Các loại cấu trúc văn bản khác vẫn có sẵn


<p>Separating paragraphs with blank lines is easiest
for readers to scan, but they can also be separated
by indenting their first lines. This is often used
to take up less space, such as to save paper in print.p>

<p>Writing that is intended to be edited, such as school
papers and rough drafts, uses both blank lines and
indentation for separation. In finished works, combining
both is considered redundant and amateurish.p>

<p>In very old writing, paragraphs were separated with a
special character: ¶, the <i>pilcrowi>. Nowadays, this
is considered claustrophobic and hard to read.p>

<p>How hard to read? See for yourself:
  <button data-toggle-text="Oh no! Switch back!">Use pilcrow for paragraphsbutton>
1 (ngắt dòng) làm cho trình duyệt kết thúc một dòng văn bản và tiếp tục hiển thị trên dòng tiếp theo trong cửa sổ trình duyệt. Nó không, như trong trường hợp của các đoạn văn, để trống các dòng trước hoặc sau dòng văn bản kết thúc. Định dạng chung cho thẻ ngắt được hiển thị trong Hình 2-10

<p>Separating paragraphs with blank lines is easiest
for readers to scan, but they can also be separated
by indenting their first lines. This is often used
to take up less space, such as to save paper in print.p>

<p>Writing that is intended to be edited, such as school
papers and rough drafts, uses both blank lines and
indentation for separation. In finished works, combining
both is considered redundant and amateurish.p>

<p>In very old writing, paragraphs were separated with a
special character: ¶, the <i>pilcrowi>. Nowadays, this
is considered claustrophobic and hard to read.p>

<p>How hard to read? See for yourself:
  <button data-toggle-text="Oh no! Switch back!">Use pilcrow for paragraphsbutton>

Hình 2-10. Định dạng chung cho thẻ

<p>Separating paragraphs with blank lines is easiest
for readers to scan, but they can also be separated
by indenting their first lines. This is often used
to take up less space, such as to save paper in print.p>

<p>Writing that is intended to be edited, such as school
papers and rough drafts, uses both blank lines and
indentation for separation. In finished works, combining
both is considered redundant and amateurish.p>

<p>In very old writing, paragraphs were separated with a
special character: ¶, the <i>pilcrowi>. Nowadays, this
is considered claustrophobic and hard to read.p>

<p>How hard to read? See for yourself:
  <button data-toggle-text="Oh no! Switch back!">Use pilcrow for paragraphsbutton>
1. Lưu ý rằng trong HTML5,
<p>Separating paragraphs with blank lines is easiest
for readers to scan, but they can also be separated
by indenting their first lines. This is often used
to take up less space, such as to save paper in print.p>

<p>Writing that is intended to be edited, such as school
papers and rough drafts, uses both blank lines and
indentation for separation. In finished works, combining
both is considered redundant and amateurish.p>

<p>In very old writing, paragraphs were separated with a
special character: ¶, the <i>pilcrowi>. Nowadays, this
is considered claustrophobic and hard to read.p>

<p>How hard to read? See for yourself:
  <button data-toggle-text="Oh no! Switch back!">Use pilcrow for paragraphsbutton>
4 là tùy chọn.
<p>Separating paragraphs with blank lines is easiest
for readers to scan, but they can also be separated
by indenting their first lines. This is often used
to take up less space, such as to save paper in print.p>

<p>Writing that is intended to be edited, such as school
papers and rough drafts, uses both blank lines and
indentation for separation. In finished works, combining
both is considered redundant and amateurish.p>

<p>In very old writing, paragraphs were separated with a
special character: ¶, the <i>pilcrowi>. Nowadays, this
is considered claustrophobic and hard to read.p>

<p>How hard to read? See for yourself:
  <button data-toggle-text="Oh no! Switch back!">Use pilcrow for paragraphsbutton>
1 cũng được nhưng lưu ý rằng nó không có đóng
<p>Separating paragraphs with blank lines is easiest
for readers to scan, but they can also be separated
by indenting their first lines. This is often used
to take up less space, such as to save paper in print.p>

<p>Writing that is intended to be edited, such as school
papers and rough drafts, uses both blank lines and
indentation for separation. In finished works, combining
both is considered redundant and amateurish.p>

<p>In very old writing, paragraphs were separated with a
special character: ¶, the <i>pilcrowi>. Nowadays, this
is considered claustrophobic and hard to read.p>

<p>How hard to read? See for yourself:
  <button data-toggle-text="Oh no! Switch back!">Use pilcrow for paragraphsbutton>


<p>Separating paragraphs with blank lines is easiest
for readers to scan, but they can also be separated
by indenting their first lines. This is often used
to take up less space, such as to save paper in print.p>

<p>Writing that is intended to be edited, such as school
papers and rough drafts, uses both blank lines and
indentation for separation. In finished works, combining
both is considered redundant and amateurish.p>

<p>In very old writing, paragraphs were separated with a
special character: ¶, the <i>pilcrowi>. Nowadays, this
is considered claustrophobic and hard to read.p>

<p>How hard to read? See for yourself:
  <button data-toggle-text="Oh no! Switch back!">Use pilcrow for paragraphsbutton>
1 không phải là thẻ vùng chứa. Nó không kèm theo văn bản và nó không có thẻ đóng đi kèm. Các phần tử HTML5 không bao quanh văn bản và không có thẻ đóng đi kèm được gọi là phần tử void. Thẻ trống này được đặt đơn giản trong văn bản ở bất cứ nơi nào xảy ra ngắt dòng. Thẻ thuận tiện để hiển thị danh sách các mục, dòng thơ hoặc các nhóm khác của các dòng văn bản riêng lẻ, cách đều nhau. Ví dụ: đoạn mã sau sử dụng ngắt dòng để kết thúc các dòng thơ riêng lẻ được đóng gói bên trong một


Here is a tale about Mary and a pesky little lamb that followed her anywhere and everywhere she went.

Mary had a little lamb,
Its fleece was white as snow;
And everywhere that Mary went,
The lamb was sure to go.

Mary had an awkward social life. It's awfully difficult to date with sheep trailing around after you all the time.

Liệt kê 2-6. Một khối văn bản được định dạng với ngắt dòng

Thẻ nào dùng để tạo dòng trống trong html?

Hình 2-11. Sử dụng ngắt dòng cho đầu ra một khoảng cách

Bốn dòng thơ được đặt bên trong một đoạn trích dẫn để bù đắp và thụt lề chúng từ các đoạn văn xung quanh. Mỗi dòng thơ xuất hiện trên một dòng văn bản riêng biệt trên một khoảng trắng bên dưới dòng trước

Ngắt nhiều dòng


thẻ, một dòng trống sẽ xuất hiện trước và sau khối văn bản được thụt lề kèm theo. Khi thẻ
<p>Separating paragraphs with blank lines is easiest
for readers to scan, but they can also be separated
by indenting their first lines. This is often used
to take up less space, such as to save paper in print.p>

<p>Writing that is intended to be edited, such as school
papers and rough drafts, uses both blank lines and
indentation for separation. In finished works, combining
both is considered redundant and amateurish.p>

<p>In very old writing, paragraphs were separated with a
special character: ¶, the <i>pilcrowi>. Nowadays, this
is considered claustrophobic and hard to read.p>

<p>How hard to read? See for yourself:
  <button data-toggle-text="Oh no! Switch back!">Use pilcrow for paragraphsbutton>
1 được chèn vào cuối dòng văn bản, không có khoảng cách nào xuất hiện giữa các dòng. Đây là cách chính xác để sử dụng thẻ
<p>Separating paragraphs with blank lines is easiest
for readers to scan, but they can also be separated
by indenting their first lines. This is often used
to take up less space, such as to save paper in print.p>

<p>Writing that is intended to be edited, such as school
papers and rough drafts, uses both blank lines and
indentation for separation. In finished works, combining
both is considered redundant and amateurish.p>

<p>In very old writing, paragraphs were separated with a
special character: ¶, the <i>pilcrowi>. Nowadays, this
is considered claustrophobic and hard to read.p>

<p>How hard to read? See for yourself:
  <button data-toggle-text="Oh no! Switch back!">Use pilcrow for paragraphsbutton>
1. Trước đây, nhiều thẻ
<p>Separating paragraphs with blank lines is easiest
for readers to scan, but they can also be separated
by indenting their first lines. This is often used
to take up less space, such as to save paper in print.p>

<p>Writing that is intended to be edited, such as school
papers and rough drafts, uses both blank lines and
indentation for separation. In finished works, combining
both is considered redundant and amateurish.p>

<p>In very old writing, paragraphs were separated with a
special character: ¶, the <i>pilcrowi>. Nowadays, this
is considered claustrophobic and hard to read.p>

<p>How hard to read? See for yourself:
  <button data-toggle-text="Oh no! Switch back!">Use pilcrow for paragraphsbutton>
1 thường được sử dụng để chèn thêm các dòng trống nhằm tăng khoảng cách dọc giữa các dòng văn bản hoặc giữa các nội dung khác xuất hiện trên trang. Phương pháp này không còn được ưu tiên trong HTML 5 và nên được thay thế bằng biểu định kiểu khi cần thiết

Dưới đây là bản ghi của trang trước để trống thêm một dòng trước và sau câu thơ blockquote. Các dòng trống này được tạo ra bằng cách mã hóa các thẻ

<p>Separating paragraphs with blank lines is easiest
for readers to scan, but they can also be separated
by indenting their first lines. This is often used
to take up less space, such as to save paper in print.p>

<p>Writing that is intended to be edited, such as school
papers and rough drafts, uses both blank lines and
indentation for separation. In finished works, combining
both is considered redundant and amateurish.p>

<p>In very old writing, paragraphs were separated with a
special character: ¶, the <i>pilcrowi>. Nowadays, this
is considered claustrophobic and hard to read.p>

<p>How hard to read? See for yourself:
  <button data-toggle-text="Oh no! Switch back!">Use pilcrow for paragraphsbutton>
1 để buộc các ngắt dòng bổ sung. Đầu ra của trình duyệt được hiển thị trong Hình 2-12

Here is a tale about Mary and a pesky little lamb that followed her anywhere and everywhere she went.

Mary had a little lamb,
Its fleece was white as snow;
And everywhere that Mary went,
The lamb was sure to go.

Mary had an awkward social life. It's awfully difficult to date with sheep trailing around after you all the time.

Liệt kê 2-7. Một trang được định dạng với nhiều ngắt dòng

Thẻ nào dùng để tạo dòng trống trong html?

Hình 2-12. Sử dụng ngắt dòng cho đầu ra một khoảng cách

Mỗi thẻ

<p>Separating paragraphs with blank lines is easiest
for readers to scan, but they can also be separated
by indenting their first lines. This is often used
to take up less space, such as to save paper in print.p>

<p>Writing that is intended to be edited, such as school
papers and rough drafts, uses both blank lines and
indentation for separation. In finished works, combining
both is considered redundant and amateurish.p>

<p>In very old writing, paragraphs were separated with a
special character: ¶, the <i>pilcrowi>. Nowadays, this
is considered claustrophobic and hard to read.p>

<p>How hard to read? See for yourself:
  <button data-toggle-text="Oh no! Switch back!">Use pilcrow for paragraphsbutton>
1 chèn thêm một dấu ngắt dòng trên trang. Do đó, bạn có thể mã hóa nhiều thẻ
<p>Separating paragraphs with blank lines is easiest
for readers to scan, but they can also be separated
by indenting their first lines. This is often used
to take up less space, such as to save paper in print.p>

<p>Writing that is intended to be edited, such as school
papers and rough drafts, uses both blank lines and
indentation for separation. In finished works, combining
both is considered redundant and amateurish.p>

<p>In very old writing, paragraphs were separated with a
special character: ¶, the <i>pilcrowi>. Nowadays, this
is considered claustrophobic and hard to read.p>

<p>How hard to read? See for yourself:
  <button data-toggle-text="Oh no! Switch back!">Use pilcrow for paragraphsbutton>
1 nối tiếp nhau để tạo ra nhiều dòng trống trên trang

Lưu ý rằng nó yêu cầu ba thẻ

<p>Separating paragraphs with blank lines is easiest
for readers to scan, but they can also be separated
by indenting their first lines. This is often used
to take up less space, such as to save paper in print.p>

<p>Writing that is intended to be edited, such as school
papers and rough drafts, uses both blank lines and
indentation for separation. In finished works, combining
both is considered redundant and amateurish.p>

<p>In very old writing, paragraphs were separated with a
special character: ¶, the <i>pilcrowi>. Nowadays, this
is considered claustrophobic and hard to read.p>

<p>How hard to read? See for yourself:
  <button data-toggle-text="Oh no! Switch back!">Use pilcrow for paragraphsbutton>
1 ở cuối đoạn đầu tiên để khớp với số dòng trống được cung cấp bởi thẻ
<p>Separating paragraphs with blank lines is easiest
for readers to scan, but they can also be separated
by indenting their first lines. This is often used
to take up less space, such as to save paper in print.p>

<p>Writing that is intended to be edited, such as school
papers and rough drafts, uses both blank lines and
indentation for separation. In finished works, combining
both is considered redundant and amateurish.p>

<p>In very old writing, paragraphs were separated with a
special character: ¶, the <i>pilcrowi>. Nowadays, this
is considered claustrophobic and hard to read.p>

<p>How hard to read? See for yourself:
  <button data-toggle-text="Oh no! Switch back!">Use pilcrow for paragraphsbutton>
1 duy nhất ở đầu đoạn cuối. Đây là một điểm đặc biệt trong cách trình duyệt hiển thị thẻ ở đầu và cuối đoạn văn. Bạn có thể phải thử nghiệm để xác định số lượng thẻ cần mã hóa để tạo ra số lượng dòng trống mong muốn. Tuy nhiên, tốt hơn là nên kiểm soát khoảng cách dọc với các phần tử hoặc biểu định kiểu khối khác

Phần tử HTML

<p>Separating paragraphs with blank lines is easiest
for readers to scan, but they can also be separated
by indenting their first lines. This is often used
to take up less space, such as to save paper in print.p>

<p>Writing that is intended to be edited, such as school
papers and rough drafts, uses both blank lines and
indentation for separation. In finished works, combining
both is considered redundant and amateurish.p>

<p>In very old writing, paragraphs were separated with a
special character: ¶, the <i>pilcrowi>. Nowadays, this
is considered claustrophobic and hard to read.p>

<p>How hard to read? See for yourself:
  <button data-toggle-text="Oh no! Switch back!">Use pilcrow for paragraphsbutton>
6 đại diện cho một đoạn văn. Các đoạn thường được trình bày trong phương tiện trực quan dưới dạng các khối văn bản được phân tách khỏi các khối liền kề bằng các dòng trống và/hoặc thụt đầu dòng ở dòng đầu tiên, nhưng các đoạn HTML có thể là bất kỳ nhóm cấu trúc nào của nội dung liên quan, chẳng hạn như hình ảnh hoặc trường biểu mẫu

Các đoạn văn là các phần tử cấp khối và đáng chú ý là sẽ tự động đóng nếu một phần tử cấp khối khác được phân tích cú pháp trước thẻ đóng

<p>Separating paragraphs with blank lines is easiest
for readers to scan, but they can also be separated
by indenting their first lines. This is often used
to take up less space, such as to save paper in print.p>

<p>Writing that is intended to be edited, such as school
papers and rough drafts, uses both blank lines and
indentation for separation. In finished works, combining
both is considered redundant and amateurish.p>

<p>In very old writing, paragraphs were separated with a
special character: ¶, the <i>pilcrowi>. Nowadays, this
is considered claustrophobic and hard to read.p>

<p>How hard to read? See for yourself:
  <button data-toggle-text="Oh no! Switch back!">Use pilcrow for paragraphsbutton>
7. Xem phần "Thiếu thẻ" bên dưới

Thử nó

Danh mục nội dung Nội dung trôi chảy, nội dung có thể sờ thấy. nội dung được phép nội dung cụm từ. Bỏ qua thẻThẻ bắt đầu là bắt buộc. Thẻ kết thúc có thể bị bỏ qua nếu phần tử

<p>Separating paragraphs with blank lines is easiest
for readers to scan, but they can also be separated
by indenting their first lines. This is often used
to take up less space, such as to save paper in print.p>

<p>Writing that is intended to be edited, such as school
papers and rough drafts, uses both blank lines and
indentation for separation. In finished works, combining
both is considered redundant and amateurish.p>

<p>In very old writing, paragraphs were separated with a
special character: ¶, the <i>pilcrowi>. Nowadays, this
is considered claustrophobic and hard to read.p>

<p>How hard to read? See for yourself:
  <button data-toggle-text="Oh no! Switch back!">Use pilcrow for paragraphsbutton>
6 được theo ngay sau bởi một
<p>Separating paragraphs with blank lines is easiest
for readers to scan, but they can also be separated
by indenting their first lines. This is often used
to take up less space, such as to save paper in print.p>

<p>Writing that is intended to be edited, such as school
papers and rough drafts, uses both blank lines and
indentation for separation. In finished works, combining
both is considered redundant and amateurish.p>

<p>In very old writing, paragraphs were separated with a
special character: ¶, the <i>pilcrowi>. Nowadays, this
is considered claustrophobic and hard to read.p>

<p>How hard to read? See for yourself:
  <button data-toggle-text="Oh no! Switch back!">Use pilcrow for paragraphsbutton>
<p>Separating paragraphs with blank lines is easiest
for readers to scan, but they can also be separated
by indenting their first lines. This is often used
to take up less space, such as to save paper in print.p>

<p>Writing that is intended to be edited, such as school
papers and rough drafts, uses both blank lines and
indentation for separation. In finished works, combining
both is considered redundant and amateurish.p>

<p>In very old writing, paragraphs were separated with a
special character: ¶, the <i>pilcrowi>. Nowadays, this
is considered claustrophobic and hard to read.p>

<p>How hard to read? See for yourself:
  <button data-toggle-text="Oh no! Switch back!">Use pilcrow for paragraphsbutton>
<p>Separating paragraphs with blank lines is easiest
for readers to scan, but they can also be separated
by indenting their first lines. This is often used
to take up less space, such as to save paper in print.p>

<p>Writing that is intended to be edited, such as school
papers and rough drafts, uses both blank lines and
indentation for separation. In finished works, combining
both is considered redundant and amateurish.p>

<p>In very old writing, paragraphs were separated with a
special character: ¶, the <i>pilcrowi>. Nowadays, this
is considered claustrophobic and hard to read.p>

<p>How hard to read? See for yourself:
  <button data-toggle-text="Oh no! Switch back!">Use pilcrow for paragraphsbutton>
<p>Separating paragraphs with blank lines is easiest
for readers to scan, but they can also be separated
by indenting their first lines. This is often used
to take up less space, such as to save paper in print.p>

<p>Writing that is intended to be edited, such as school
papers and rough drafts, uses both blank lines and
indentation for separation. In finished works, combining
both is considered redundant and amateurish.p>

<p>In very old writing, paragraphs were separated with a
special character: ¶, the <i>pilcrowi>. Nowadays, this
is considered claustrophobic and hard to read.p>

<p>How hard to read? See for yourself:
  <button data-toggle-text="Oh no! Switch back!">Use pilcrow for paragraphsbutton>
<p>Separating paragraphs with blank lines is easiest
for readers to scan, but they can also be separated
by indenting their first lines. This is often used
to take up less space, such as to save paper in print.p>

<p>Writing that is intended to be edited, such as school
papers and rough drafts, uses both blank lines and
indentation for separation. In finished works, combining
both is considered redundant and amateurish.p>

<p>In very old writing, paragraphs were separated with a
special character: ¶, the <i>pilcrowi>. Nowadays, this
is considered claustrophobic and hard to read.p>

<p>How hard to read? See for yourself:
  <button data-toggle-text="Oh no! Switch back!">Use pilcrow for paragraphsbutton>
<p>Separating paragraphs with blank lines is easiest
for readers to scan, but they can also be separated
by indenting their first lines. This is often used
to take up less space, such as to save paper in print.p>

<p>Writing that is intended to be edited, such as school
papers and rough drafts, uses both blank lines and
indentation for separation. In finished works, combining
both is considered redundant and amateurish.p>

<p>In very old writing, paragraphs were separated with a
special character: ¶, the <i>pilcrowi>. Nowadays, this
is considered claustrophobic and hard to read.p>

<p>How hard to read? See for yourself:
  <button data-toggle-text="Oh no! Switch back!">Use pilcrow for paragraphsbutton>
<p>Separating paragraphs with blank lines is easiest
for readers to scan, but they can also be separated
by indenting their first lines. This is often used
to take up less space, such as to save paper in print.p>

<p>Writing that is intended to be edited, such as school
papers and rough drafts, uses both blank lines and
indentation for separation. In finished works, combining
both is considered redundant and amateurish.p>

<p>In very old writing, paragraphs were separated with a
special character: ¶, the <i>pilcrowi>. Nowadays, this
is considered claustrophobic and hard to read.p>

<p>How hard to read? See for yourself:
  <button data-toggle-text="Oh no! Switch back!">Use pilcrow for paragraphsbutton>
<p>Separating paragraphs with blank lines is easiest
for readers to scan, but they can also be separated
by indenting their first lines. This is often used
to take up less space, such as to save paper in print.p>

<p>Writing that is intended to be edited, such as school
papers and rough drafts, uses both blank lines and
indentation for separation. In finished works, combining
both is considered redundant and amateurish.p>

<p>In very old writing, paragraphs were separated with a
special character: ¶, the <i>pilcrowi>. Nowadays, this
is considered claustrophobic and hard to read.p>

<p>How hard to read? See for yourself:
  <button data-toggle-text="Oh no! Switch back!">Use pilcrow for paragraphsbutton>
<p>Separating paragraphs with blank lines is easiest
for readers to scan, but they can also be separated
by indenting their first lines. This is often used
to take up less space, such as to save paper in print.p>

<p>Writing that is intended to be edited, such as school
papers and rough drafts, uses both blank lines and
indentation for separation. In finished works, combining
both is considered redundant and amateurish.p>

<p>In very old writing, paragraphs were separated with a
special character: ¶, the <i>pilcrowi>. Nowadays, this
is considered claustrophobic and hard to read.p>

<p>How hard to read? See for yourself:
  <button data-toggle-text="Oh no! Switch back!">Use pilcrow for paragraphsbutton>
<p>Separating paragraphs with blank lines is easiest
for readers to scan, but they can also be separated
by indenting their first lines. This is often used
to take up less space, such as to save paper in print.p>

<p>Writing that is intended to be edited, such as school
papers and rough drafts, uses both blank lines and
indentation for separation. In finished works, combining
both is considered redundant and amateurish.p>

<p>In very old writing, paragraphs were separated with a
special character: ¶, the <i>pilcrowi>. Nowadays, this
is considered claustrophobic and hard to read.p>

<p>How hard to read? See for yourself:
  <button data-toggle-text="Oh no! Switch back!">Use pilcrow for paragraphsbutton>
<p>Separating paragraphs with blank lines is easiest
for readers to scan, but they can also be separated
by indenting their first lines. This is often used
to take up less space, such as to save paper in print.p>

<p>Writing that is intended to be edited, such as school
papers and rough drafts, uses both blank lines and
indentation for separation. In finished works, combining
both is considered redundant and amateurish.p>

<p>In very old writing, paragraphs were separated with a
special character: ¶, the <i>pilcrowi>. Nowadays, this
is considered claustrophobic and hard to read.p>

<p>How hard to read? See for yourself:
  <button data-toggle-text="Oh no! Switch back!">Use pilcrow for paragraphsbutton>
<p>Separating paragraphs with blank lines is easiest
for readers to scan, but they can also be separated
by indenting their first lines. This is often used
to take up less space, such as to save paper in print.p>

<p>Writing that is intended to be edited, such as school
papers and rough drafts, uses both blank lines and
indentation for separation. In finished works, combining
both is considered redundant and amateurish.p>

<p>In very old writing, paragraphs were separated with a
special character: ¶, the <i>pilcrowi>. Nowadays, this
is considered claustrophobic and hard to read.p>

<p>How hard to read? See for yourself:
  <button data-toggle-text="Oh no! Switch back!">Use pilcrow for paragraphsbutton>

Here is a tale about Mary and a pesky little lamb that followed her anywhere and everywhere she went.

Mary had a little lamb,
Its fleece was white as snow;
And everywhere that Mary went,
The lamb was sure to go.

Mary had an awkward social life. It's awfully difficult to date with sheep trailing around after you all the time.


Here is a tale about Mary and a pesky little lamb that followed her anywhere and everywhere she went.

Mary had a little lamb,
Its fleece was white as snow;
And everywhere that Mary went,
The lamb was sure to go.

Mary had an awkward social life. It's awfully difficult to date with sheep trailing around after you all the time.


Here is a tale about Mary and a pesky little lamb that followed her anywhere and everywhere she went.

Mary had a little lamb,
Its fleece was white as snow;
And everywhere that Mary went,
The lamb was sure to go.

Mary had an awkward social life. It's awfully difficult to date with sheep trailing around after you all the time.


Here is a tale about Mary and a pesky little lamb that followed her anywhere and everywhere she went.

Mary had a little lamb,
Its fleece was white as snow;
And everywhere that Mary went,
The lamb was sure to go.

Mary had an awkward social life. It's awfully difficult to date with sheep trailing around after you all the time.


Here is a tale about Mary and a pesky little lamb that followed her anywhere and everywhere she went.

Mary had a little lamb,
Its fleece was white as snow;
And everywhere that Mary went,
The lamb was sure to go.

Mary had an awkward social life. It's awfully difficult to date with sheep trailing around after you all the time.


Here is a tale about Mary and a pesky little lamb that followed her anywhere and everywhere she went.

Mary had a little lamb,
Its fleece was white as snow;
And everywhere that Mary went,
The lamb was sure to go.

Mary had an awkward social life. It's awfully difficult to date with sheep trailing around after you all the time.

25 . Cha mẹ được phép Bất kỳ phần tử nào chấp nhận nội dung luồng. Vai trò ARIA ngầm định Không có vai trò tương ứng Vai trò ARIA được phép Giao diện AnyDOM nào
<p>Separating paragraphs with blank lines is easiest
for readers to scan, but they can also be separated
by indenting their first lines. This is often used
to take up less space, such as to save paper in print.p>

<p>Writing that is intended to be edited, such as school
papers and rough drafts, uses both blank lines and
indentation for separation. In finished works, combining
both is considered redundant and amateurish.p>

<p>In very old writing, paragraphs were separated with a
special character: ¶, the <i>pilcrowi>. Nowadays, this
is considered claustrophobic and hard to read.p>

<p>How hard to read? See for yourself:
  <button data-toggle-text="Oh no! Switch back!">Use pilcrow for paragraphsbutton>

Thuộc tính

Phần tử này chỉ bao gồm các thuộc tính toàn cầu

Ghi chú. Thuộc tính

<p>Separating paragraphs with blank lines is easiest
for readers to scan, but they can also be separated
by indenting their first lines. This is often used
to take up less space, such as to save paper in print.p>

<p>Writing that is intended to be edited, such as school
papers and rough drafts, uses both blank lines and
indentation for separation. In finished works, combining
both is considered redundant and amateurish.p>

<p>In very old writing, paragraphs were separated with a
special character: ¶, the <i>pilcrowi>. Nowadays, this
is considered claustrophobic and hard to read.p>

<p>How hard to read? See for yourself:
  <button data-toggle-text="Oh no! Switch back!">Use pilcrow for paragraphsbutton>
25 trên thẻ
<p>Separating paragraphs with blank lines is easiest
for readers to scan, but they can also be separated
by indenting their first lines. This is often used
to take up less space, such as to save paper in print.p>

<p>Writing that is intended to be edited, such as school
papers and rough drafts, uses both blank lines and
indentation for separation. In finished works, combining
both is considered redundant and amateurish.p>

<p>In very old writing, paragraphs were separated with a
special character: ¶, the <i>pilcrowi>. Nowadays, this
is considered claustrophobic and hard to read.p>

<p>How hard to read? See for yourself:
  <button data-toggle-text="Oh no! Switch back!">Use pilcrow for paragraphsbutton>
6 đã lỗi thời và không nên sử dụng

Thí dụ


<p>Separating paragraphs with blank lines is easiest
for readers to scan, but they can also be separated
by indenting their first lines. This is often used
to take up less space, such as to save paper in print.p>

<p>Writing that is intended to be edited, such as school
papers and rough drafts, uses both blank lines and
indentation for separation. In finished works, combining
both is considered redundant and amateurish.p>

<p>In very old writing, paragraphs were separated with a
special character: ¶, the <i>pilcrowi>. Nowadays, this
is considered claustrophobic and hard to read.p>

<p>How hard to read? See for yourself:
  <button data-toggle-text="Oh no! Switch back!">Use pilcrow for paragraphsbutton>

Kết quả

Tạo kiểu đoạn văn

Theo mặc định, các trình duyệt phân tách các đoạn bằng một dòng trống. Có thể đạt được các phương pháp phân tách thay thế, chẳng hạn như thụt lề dòng đầu tiên bằng CSS


<p>Separating paragraphs with blank lines is easiest
for readers to scan, but they can also be separated
by indenting their first lines. This is often used
to take up less space, such as to save paper in print.p>

<p>Writing that is intended to be edited, such as school
papers and rough drafts, uses both blank lines and
indentation for separation. In finished works, combining
both is considered redundant and amateurish.p>

<p>In very old writing, paragraphs were separated with a
special character: ¶, the <i>pilcrowi>. Nowadays, this
is considered claustrophobic and hard to read.p>

<p>How hard to read? See for yourself:
  <button data-toggle-text="Oh no! Switch back!">Use pilcrow for paragraphsbutton>


Here is a tale about Mary and a pesky little lamb that followed her anywhere and everywhere she went.

Mary had a little lamb,
Its fleece was white as snow;
And everywhere that Mary went,
The lamb was sure to go.

Mary had an awkward social life. It's awfully difficult to date with sheep trailing around after you all the time.



<p>Separating paragraphs with blank lines is easiest
for readers to scan, but they can also be separated
by indenting their first lines. This is often used
to take up less space, such as to save paper in print.p>

<p>Writing that is intended to be edited, such as school
papers and rough drafts, uses both blank lines and
indentation for separation. In finished works, combining
both is considered redundant and amateurish.p>

<p>In very old writing, paragraphs were separated with a
special character: ¶, the <i>pilcrowi>. Nowadays, this
is considered claustrophobic and hard to read.p>

<p>How hard to read? See for yourself:
  <button data-toggle-text="Oh no! Switch back!">Use pilcrow for paragraphsbutton>

Kết quả

Mối quan tâm về khả năng tiếp cận

Chia nhỏ nội dung thành các đoạn giúp làm cho trang dễ truy cập hơn. Trình đọc màn hình và công nghệ hỗ trợ khác cung cấp lối tắt để cho phép người dùng chuyển sang đoạn tiếp theo hoặc đoạn trước đó, cho phép họ đọc lướt qua nội dung như cách khoảng trắng cho phép người dùng trực quan bỏ qua

Sử dụng các phần tử

<p>Separating paragraphs with blank lines is easiest
for readers to scan, but they can also be separated
by indenting their first lines. This is often used
to take up less space, such as to save paper in print.p>

<p>Writing that is intended to be edited, such as school
papers and rough drafts, uses both blank lines and
indentation for separation. In finished works, combining
both is considered redundant and amateurish.p>

<p>In very old writing, paragraphs were separated with a
special character: ¶, the <i>pilcrowi>. Nowadays, this
is considered claustrophobic and hard to read.p>

<p>How hard to read? See for yourself:
  <button data-toggle-text="Oh no! Switch back!">Use pilcrow for paragraphsbutton>
6 trống để thêm khoảng cách giữa các đoạn văn là một vấn đề đối với những người điều hướng bằng công nghệ đọc màn hình. Trình đọc màn hình có thể thông báo sự hiện diện của đoạn văn, nhưng không phải bất kỳ nội dung nào chứa trong đó — bởi vì không có. Điều này có thể khiến người sử dụng trình đọc màn hình bối rối và khó chịu

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