What word describes streaming media broadcasts of audio and video over the Internet?

The acronym OTT stands for Over-the-Top. This convenient little term explains the new delivery method of film and TV content over the internet whenever we want, across many different devices, without the need for traditional broadcast, cable or satellite pay-TV providers. In simple terms, OTT streaming means paying an internet provider, like Xfinity, for internet access to watch Netflix, without paying for cable TV.

What word describes streaming media broadcasts of audio and video over the Internet?

Everything You Need to Know About OTT:

It’s important that OTT streaming not be confused with video streaming – because they are 2 different levels of content and experience.

Video Streaming

Is when content is simply streamed across an array of devices like smart TV’s, mobile devices, computers, and OTT devices as well. YouTube is the most popular platform for video streaming.


OTT is a direct-to-consumer video content platform where premium content and a superior experience are available for customers to stream on-demand, like Netflix, Disney+, Hulu, and so on. No matter the provider, OTT content can also be streamed on the vast array of today’s devices. Which ones? We’re so glad you asked!

How OTT is Delivered?

The accessibility of OTT content is one of the many reasons it’s so popular. To stream OTT, customers only need a high-speed internet connection and a connected device that supports apps or browsers.

Mobile OTT Devices: Smartphones and tablets are able to download OTT apps to stream on-the go.

Personal Computers: Consumers can access OTT content from desktop-based apps or web browsers.

Connected TV Devices: The most common examples include Roku, Apple TV, Fire TV, and more. Game consoles, like PlayStation, also often support OTT apps.

What is an Example of OTT?: OTT Streaming

OTT streaming is when premium content and a superior experience are made available by an OTT content platform, like Netflix and Hulu, with the user not needing a cable TV subscription in order to watch. Because of this format, OTT content can be streamed on a variety of devices.

You can access OTT platforms in many ways, including via your computer, phone, tablet, smart TV, or gaming console. You don’t need a subscription to a TV service provider—but depending on the OTT platform, you may need a subscription to the OTT platform. This is the case for services like Netflix and Disney+, where users can access curated content at any time with a monthly or yearly subscription. Some OTT platforms, like Amazon and Peacock, instead don’t charge subscription fees to customers, instead generating revenue by showing their viewers ads while they’re watching content or offering reduced-cost subscriptions with limited ads.

OTT Media Services

Now that we’ve answered the question of “what is OTT?”, There’s a wide range of OTT platformsthat actually provide OTT media services, including Netflix, Disney+, Hulu, HBO Max, Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, Peacock, Pluto TV, and so many more.

Unlike OTT platforms, YouTube is a social video platform that was originally designed to allow everyday consumers to share moments caught on video. YouTube has attempted to enter the OTT market a number of times with limited success since the market clearly sees YouTube as a place for free content.

The accessibility of OTT content is one of the many reasons it’s so popular, not to mention that OTT providers are now producing some of the best original content. To stream OTT, customers only require a high-speed internet connection and a connected device that supports apps or browsers.

Why is OTT Better Than YouTube?

Now that we’ve discussed several different ways of consuming content, including cable, OTT, and YouTube, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of it. Why is OTT better than YouTube for creators and content platforms seeking to build a home for their content business or community?



OTT means control over your content, brand, user experience, audience, monetization, and most of all, your data. YouTube just doesn’t give you all that.


Ad-Free Content.

Most viewers don't like ads! OTT has opened up the possibility for ad-free content, by enabling subscription services (SVOD), one-time purchases (TVOD), and more monetization strategies. Even if advertising (AVOD) is your preferred model, OTT provides the power of more targeted advertising, endemic content, and control over your campaigns and inventory, including direct sponsorships.


Direct to Consumer.

OTT is the ultimate platform for reaching your targeted audience directly with your content and delivering a premium video experience that you control entirely. With OTT, providers can get immediate user feedback through direct engagement and interaction. What’s more powerful than that?


Consumer Freedom.

Consumers are now in the driver’s seat, due to OTT. More than ever, consumers are able to find exactly what they want to watch and only pay for the content and services that they want. OTT provides the flexibility to adjust your models to the market for maximum uptake. And OTT opens the door for niche content platforms and communities to thrive.

What is the Difference Between Endavo and Other OTT Platforms?

Endavo, a service that allows anyone to own and customize their own OTT platform, gives creators more control over their content and business models. With Endavo, creators enjoy more content management and publishing capabilities, monetization options, helpful analytics, branding, and more.

Unlike social-driven video websites like YouTube, TikTok, or Instagram, Endavo is designed to keep viewers on your channel and brand—instead of jumping from creator to creator.

And possibly best of all—Endavo will never show ads over your content. Many other OTT streaming services, namely those profiting primarily off of ads, splice creators’ content up with their sponsors’ ads. Endavo will never show any of our ads over your content, allowing you the power to show your own ads from your sponsors if you want to have that source of revenue.

Is OTT Replacing Traditional Cable Media?

With the advent and subsequent popularity of OTT, cable companies are clearly getting the short end of the stick when it comes to new opportunities, and the demand for content is merely pushing these companies to consider different ways to market and deliver.

Cable providers are still in the mix since many are providing internet services, and the main TV channel networks aren’t giving up their broadcast streams, they’re just ALSO going after the OTT audience with digital streaming through apps, platforms, and more. Why does that work? Because SO many people need content and it’s not changing anytime soon.

Not only has OTT streaming changed the way we get television, but it’s changed the way we watch it too.

How Endavo Serves Brand and Creators

OTT is transforming the digital landscape for content creators, brands, and organizations—especially for those with video at the core of what they do. You used to have to rely on third-party networks (like YouTube) to get your content in front of a mass audience. With an over-the-top platform powered by Endavo, you can skip right over the middleman and create your own standalone content hub. This means more control over your content and more control over decisions related to distribution and pricing. You can also achieve the look and feel you want that best complements your brand.

Endavo is a platform for content creators of all varieties.

  • Independent creators looking to amplify their content and build an engaged audience through their own video platform.
  • Creator communities who want to build multi-channel networks to showcase the talent in their communities and scale to a larger audience.
  • Musicians & performers who need to effortlessly live stream performances so they can be enjoyed anywhere around the globe.
  • Film festivals looking for a better way to sell tickets, showcase their brand and encourage ideation among the broader creator community.
  • Faith organizations working to build a stronger, more connected place of worship and service for the greater good.
  • Enterprises & associations with a distinct need for a channel that accurately exemplifies their brand while maintaining top-tier functionality.

With your own OTT platform, you create your own identity. Build channels of relevant content, live stream events, and drive revenue by monetizing with subscriptions, sponsorships, and more. When it comes to your content, we truly believe the world should be in your hands. That’s why we’re so excited to join you on your journey into the world of OTT.

What’s the Outlook for the OTT Industry?

If there’s one thing that American culture is synonymous with, it’s the culture of cool. In post-WW2 America, it was bubblegum, Coca-Cola, denim jeans, and TV dinners in front of the Andy Griffith show. Families would pull out the dinner trays and prep at the microwave before sitting down and spending quality time in front of The Tube. We’re going to go ahead and call it: binge-watching the latest must-see TV series is the real American pastime. It was the weekly ritual, and it was a cultural cornerstone by every means of the word.

But cool isn’t always about pastimes—cool is also about what’s next. And the world no longer consumes TV as a family, once a week, together around the television. Now we’re all streaming our content across our favorite handheld devices as much as we’re watching it on our computers and televisions. And the best part is that we’ve got the added bonus of watching our content whenever we want. It’s cool, and it’s shaping (if not leading) our need-it-now mindset and culture from the inside out.

That’s not to say everything is going smoothly. Obviously, the cable companies are getting the short end of the stick when it comes to the new opportunities. As are the big broad networks like ABC, CBS, and the like.

However, instead of becoming extinct, the demand for content is merely pushing these companies to consider different ways to market and deliver. Cable providers are still in the mix since many are providing internet services, and the main TV channel networks aren’t giving up their broadcast streams, they’re just ALSO going after the OTT audience with digital streaming through apps, platforms, and more. Why does that work? Because SO many people need content and the demand for on-demand content is growing fast. On-demand video accounted for more than three-quarters of all time spent streaming in Q1 with 76% share to live video’s 24% share.

Try Endavo – for free.

Calling all creators, communities, and networks: We’re ready to help you onboard with our innovative and proprietary VDATM platform.


Those are big numbers and it’s a big transition, with many more implications than just cutting ties with the cable service that holds live video in its clutches. Not only has it changed the way we get television, but it’s changed the way we watch it too. And if there’s any story that is good at telling the OTT phenom, it’s Netflix.


Endavo Media’s FOOTPRINT Network Brings Entertainment and Lifestyle Content Creation to Life

FOOTPRINT Network began as Footprint.tv, a platform designed to leverage the opportunity of OTT technology to support and power local content creators. By building a unique platform using Endavo Media’s innovative infrastructure, Footprint.tv provided creators with the ability to establish their brand without having to rely on the major distribution channels like YouTube and Vimeo.eo.


How Did Netflix Shape the OTT Industry? The Netflix Effect

There are a lot of success stories that contribute to the streaming movement — YouTube, we’re looking at you — but one of the greatest stories of the OTT saga is Netflix, the little streaming platform that could.

There was one story that caught the eye of many Generation Xers and Boomers alike, even some Millennials, on their daily scroll: There’s only one Blockbuster left in the world. For anyone who was born before 1990, Blockbuster was an integral part of the weekend plan. You’d pop by the video store, spend hours perusing titles row by row, and then you’d rent. It was how the world saw movies at home — one tape, then DVD, at a time.

Up until the early nineties, Blockbuster was solid. But something interesting happened toward the end of the nineties — both Blockbuster and Netflix (known then as a “niche” platform) weren’t doing so hot. It was a sign of market transition. And it was then, in 2000, that the CEO of Netflix offered up Netflix to Blockbuster for $50 million. No deal.

It was a HUGE mistake.

In 2007, everything changed when Netflix first went OTT, catching onto a new wave of customer demand for untethered, streamed content (it was only two years earlier that YouTube launched as well — what a time to be a video nerd!). From then on, Blockbuster (despite trying to go OTT a few different ways) was constantly wiping its face clear of Netflix’s dust as it sped past.

If you’re curious about how Netflix accomplished this, this video from Techquickie explains how the platform works.

What did Netflix do right? They recognized the monumental shift in how people consume content. Blockbuster waited until the trend caught on, at a time when not only Netflix was changing the world as we know it, but YouTube and Facebook were making their marks on our ever-changing culture too. It was the dawn of the age of everything: faster, stronger, more. And it was moving SO fast, that a few years of stagnation was a complete death sentence.

In hindsight, it’s a lot easier to say Netflix made a good decision where Blockbuster made a bad one, but now that OTT has fully arrived and the world is consuming it in numbers beyond imagination, it’s not about just recognizing the trend, it’s about figuring out how to feed the beast. And there’s a lot of people out there stoking the flames and going after what’s next.

OTT + The World of Tomorrow

We all know that Netflix isn’t the only big guy out there now — Disney is sprinting out of the OTT gates with Disney+, Amazon Prime and Hulu have moved to take over TV, and even the indie-darling Sundance is making a splash out of its festival favorites and more. The world is recognizing the potential of OTT, not just for the big players like Netflix and Disney.

Smaller Creative Communities, like the city of Atlanta, are recognizing the power of OTT. As the first of its kind, THEA is taking the idea of OTT and, using Endavo, is pushing it to cultivate a community of creators — ones that are bolstering the metro economy with each piece of video that they create. Launched at SXSW in 2018 and powered to go OTT by Endavo, the platform is already boasting some incredible numbers. Currently, the platform is free, but with incredible monetization strategies in the line-up, it won’t be that way for long. Like all OTT platforms, once the audience comes, so do the opportunities to capitalize.

So what’s next? It’s still time for those “niche” communities to shine. Maybe it’s the local sports team looking to go global with its all-star numbers, or perhaps it’s a city with a lot of incredible stories to share with the world.  Beyond communities, OTT means it’s an era for video content creators to thrive. It’s never been easier to build your own OTT network to host all of your videos AND distribute them to video platforms as well! We’re talking people like a couple of brothers with a love for Stephen King just looking for an audience who shares their love for 80s nostalgia. Whatever it is, it’s getting shared OTT, and it’s transforming the world.

In the wake of COVID-19, OTT has also presented a unique opportunity for live streaming large events like concerts, music festivals, conferences, and more that would have otherwise been canceled. With a platform like Endavo, creators, event organizers, and businesses alike can deliver their content to a much larger audience with the option to monetize.

Speaking of monetization, revenue from video on demand is climbing at record speed. The Stream projects that by 2026 revenue from ad-supported video on demand will triple 2021 levels, reaching $31.5 billion. It’s time to get in now to ride the OTT tails of this growth.

Whatever streaming’s future holds, it’s getting shared OTT, and it’s transforming the world.

Want to try Endavo’s streaming tools for yourself?

Try a plan free for 30 days, or get started now with Endavo.


Today, cool may look a lot different than it did in the 1950s when TV went big. It may look like an iPad getting played at dinner, an Android getting watched while standing at a bus stop, or even a killer big screen OTT streaming the latest princess-meets-zombies flick at a middle school slumber party. But its power over American culture — and really, that of the world — has remained ever the same. OTT is the opportunity to bring people to stories, and more importantly, bring people together. It may be in references and “guess what I watched” play-by-plays, but the moments are still shared. And at the end of the day, isn’t that what it’s really all about?

TL;DR: What you need to know about OTT

What does OTT mean?

OTT stands for “over-the-top,” as in going above and beyond streaming on YouTube and social networks. OTT is streaming, yes. This content can be streamed on computers, smartphones, and other OTT devices. But the difference is “premium”. Premium content and experience delivered over the Internet.

What are some examples of OTT?

There’s a wide range of OTT platforms, including Netflix, Disney+, Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, Peacock, CuriosityStream, Pluto TV, and so many more.

Unlike OTT platforms, YouTube is a social video platform that was originally designed to allow everyday consumers to share moments caught on video. YouTube has attempted to enter the OTT market a number of times with limited success since the market clearly sees YouTube as a place for free content.

What’s the difference between OTT and TV?

While TV requires a subscription to a cable service or an antenna, OTT content is streamed directly over the Internet and paid for directly by consumers. Consumers can stream OTT content anywhere, at any time—a big perk over traditional TV programming.

How do OTT services work?

There are many ways you can access OTT services, including via your computer, phone, tablet, smart TV, or gaming console. You don’t need a subscription to a pay-TV service provider—but depending on the OTT service, you may need a subscription to the OTT service. This is the case for services like Netflix and Disney+, where users can access curated content at any time with a monthly or yearly subscription.

What is the difference between Endavo and other OTT platforms?

Endavo gives creators more control over their content and business models. With Endavo, creators can take advantage of more content management and publishing capabilities, monetization options, helpful analytics, branding, and more. Unlike social-driven video websites like YouTube, TikTok, or Instagram, Endavo is designed to keep viewers on your channel and brand—instead of jumping from creator to creator and losing touch with your viewers.

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